Current Projects in Physics Hall

PHYSICS-0038-268579-General University Classroom Remodel
Cost Range Approval
Room: 0038
Request date: 3/31/2023
Requested by: Kathleen Baumgarn
Contact: Melissa Warg
Construction start: 7/7/2024
Construction end: 1/5/2025
Renovation of this general university classroom to become an Active Learning Classroom. This would include moveable tables and chairs, supplemental writing surfaces around the perimeter of the room and well as supplemental monitors. We are aware that with two walls of window the supplemental writing surface and monitors may not be possible. Would like to have this be as active of a learning space as possible and we are just needing cost estimates at this time. It would be good to include the AVXT group on this project. Thank you. Katie Bl
PHYSICS-B0057-317040-Gate Improvements
Room: B0057
Request date: 10/23/2023
Requested by: Travis Applegate
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 4/25/2024
Construction end: 10/24/2024
We were informed that the gate in this room cannot be locked for fire safety. We propose removing the lock into 57A, placing a lock on the gate, and updating the exit sign to point someone who got locked in to use the planetarium back exit. This would prevent the possibility of being locked into that area.