Current Projects in Zaffarano Physics Addition

ZAFFRNO-A0005-362091-Raising the Ceiling
Schematic Design
Room: A0005
Request date: 5/3/2024
Requested by: Leigh Wiand
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 7/29/2024
Construction end: 1/27/2025
After speaking with Eric Ohrt, we would like to have an architect come out and meet with our carpenter to discuss the need to open up a ceiling in this space to make room for lab equipment that needs connection tubing to go into the top of the unit that is taller than the current ceiling allows. Our carpenter has an idea that he would like to discuss with the ISU architect. This does not affect the floor above in anyway.
ZAFFRNO-A0011-356984-Install Exhaust
Schematic Design
Room: A0011
Request date: 4/28/2024
Requested by: Travis Applegate
Contact: Brian Grove
Construction start: 7/28/2024
Construction end: 1/26/2025
Quote to install exhaust for a piece of Ames Lab Equipment. It is a glove box that is currently in A118 Zaffarano. They also wanted to know if they could do it themselves/contract it, or if ISU needed to do it because it is in Zaffarano. Also they would like to know the timeline if they go this route. Tyler Pearson with the shops has been out to see the space in case anyone needs details.
ZAFFRNO-A0102-362061-Doorway Modifications
Construction Documents
Room: A0102
Request date: 5/2/2024
Requested by: Payton Crilly
Contact: John Byerly
Construction start: 7/12/2024
Construction end: 1/10/2025
The Ames Laboratory is installing a new liquefiere in the Low Temperature Lab in Zaffarano A0102. We will have to widen the doorway between A0108 and A0102 to install this new equipment. I would like to work with FPM Projects and Design team on this. We have met with Eric Ohrt and Travis Applegate on this recently. This project is urgent. A top priority for the laboratory.