Work Order Lookup

Date WO # Location Description Requester Status
3/6/2023 265445 6326 ATRB bay 6326 has the EAST roof vent stuck OPEN. Could be a capacitor or motor? This is a critical and time sensitive repair. If the wind blows hard from the east it could rip the roof vent of and lead to expensive repairs.. it is presently wasting much heat energy. Jeff Lamb has experience. Someone needs to examine this vent now! call Pete with questions 294-2100. I have checked the breakers and controls...all correct. Peter Lawlor On Hold
3/9/2023 265914 6322 ATRB West ridge vent shaft needs bearing replaced and to be reconnected with parts on site. Jeff Lamb would be the best technician for this repair. I have shown him the issue. Pete 294-2100 Peter Lawlor On Hold
3/9/2023 265915 6322 ATRB Shade curtain/thermal blanket needs leading rod repair. Jeff Lamb would be the best technician for this repair. I have shown him the issue. Pete 294-2100 Peter Lawlor Assigned
3/31/2023 268591 5182A ATRB Animal Room 5182-A is around 79° and should be between 70°-73° - Dean Issacson would like to be kept up to speed with the progress of this fix . His cell phone number is (515) 291-3682 Dean Isaacson Assigned
4/3/2023 272163 ATRB call back-AHU-3 off on high static DPS dispatch DPS Assigned
4/11/2023 272962 5182A ATRB Animal room is too hot, running 79 and needs to be 71-72 degrees Dean Isaacson Assigned
7/12/2023 293864 6318 ATRB East vent strut has broken a shaft; the vent is partially open and needs to be closed as it is leaking rain inside. It will take a 24'' extension ladder to reach the vent motor and strut pipe to operate manually.. I have parts to repair this unit. I now have three of 9 greenhouse bays that need attention. The other two go back to March 2023. They are still open work orders. Lamb knows these units. door code is 123456 Peter Lawlor Assigned
7/19/2023 295275 ATRB There is unusual higher pressure in the whole ATRB. Thomas Maier Open
7/20/2023 295367 GENERAL ATRB There is too much air pressure on the 4th floor and the the AHU is very loud. The temperature is also starting to rise and it is getting warmer on this floor as well. Donna Moore Open
8/7/2023 301211 1336A ATRB This lab gets too warm when in use. Please check into this for Fall Semester since this lab is used a lot. Nicholas Peters Open
8/16/2023 302404 6322 ATRB ATTN: JLamb -someone complained about the noise from the ridge vents during operation tracked it down to RM 6322 Jeffrey Lamb Assigned
1/26/2024 337279 2140 ATRB Stack a lab incubator on top of an identical unit. The crew was awesome helping us move the incubators from another lab a few weeks ago but the equipment used to stack the units was not available that day. This is not urgent Clarice Schmidt Assigned
3/1/2024 344720 1330 ATRB Ceiling leak - tile is very wet Wendy Bates Assigned
4/15/2024 355887 4160 ATRB Chemical cabinet needs to be treated for rust and repainted within the hours of 8:30am-5:30pm. Seema Rani Raychaudhuri Closed
6/10/2024 369047 6302 ATRB The damper fan in the south end of the greenhouse is frozen, humming, and needs replaced. It has been shut off at the hallway Argus service panel. I have opened the damper louvers via the Argus control software. Call me if you need assistance. Thanks! Pete 294-2100 Peter Lawlor Assigned
6/10/2024 369048 6326 ATRB Could Jeff Lamb finish the east vent motor repair for this greenhouse bay??? It failed in Spring of 2023 and needs his attention. Call me with questions . Thanks! Pete 515-294-2100 Peter Lawlor Assigned
6/10/2024 369049 6322 ATRB Could Jeff Lamb repair the NW corner shade curtain rod pipe that has failed. It has been in disrepair since the spring of 2023 and needs his attention. Thanks! Pete call me with questions 515-294-2100 Peter Lawlor Assigned
6/21/2024 370004 2445A ATRB We at the Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic are looking to get an ESTIMATE on what it would take to update our transaction window. We have a sliding window where we take samples for the clinic from clients through the wall next to our main clinic door. After a discussion with ISU Police today about potential emergency safety situations, we would like to have a window that offers more protection via a locking mechanism and is more sturdy. We are only looking for an estimate and options at this time, as we aren't sure if we have the excess funds for the project just yet. Zachary Schumm Closed
7/9/2024 375683 0342 ATRB EO24653 floor scrubber compact runs but does suck up water Jolene McFarland Materials-Awaiting
8/14/2024 382995 ATRB ATRB, HS3, Heat Exchanger #3 Radiation leaking by. SPT = 120 TP = 205 VLV = Closed Donald Boyle Assigned
8/15/2024 383210 2003 ATRB Dr. O'Neal has reported his office is really hot and has no air flow. PG112831 DD15539 Donna Moore Assigned
8/23/2024 384092 3203 ATRB Standing desk is not functioning properly. The desk will not lift or decline as it should. PG112831 DD15539 Thanks, Donna Donna Moore Assigned
9/9/2024 389551 ATRB 6 SEP Call back for HXU-4&5 DCHWV in alarm DPS dispatch DPS Assigned
9/18/2024 390447 ATRB Repair system deficiencies per inspection: System control valve M1-41 bsmt west hose bib - provide with applicable identification Control valve M1-28 FDC bypass - provide with applicable identification, missing control valve sign - normally closed Lyle Bishop Open
10/8/2024 396388 0340 ATRB Hot water heater not working properly. This will need to be done during Thanksgiving break and will need Affiliated steam to assist. Lyle to schedule several people on this. Joe Judge Assigned
10/23/2024 397632 1344 ATRB I request that the carpets be shampooed in the PPEM Main office (1344, 1344C, 1344D ATRB). We are open to waiting until Thanksgiving or Winter break to accommodate custodial work schedules. PG112831 DD15539 Donna Moore Closed
10/30/2024 398888 6306 ATRB both GFCI outlets that control HAF (horizontal air flow) fans continually trip...rather than reset or replacing, please consider installing a SQ D GFCI breaker in the corridor electrical will save time and expense of resetting or replacing the outlets. The south fan is currently plugged into an alternate nearby outlet. Also, bay 6120 has a tripped GFCI outlet for the HAF fan in the south end of the bay codes for both rooms are 123456 thanks! Pete 294-2100 Peter Lawlor Assigned
10/31/2024 399018 6110 ATRB North end of the west ridge vent in this greenhouse had a ridge vent tube sever requiring mechanical repairs. Repair parts are located near the greenhouse control computer on the 6th floor. Thanks! Pete Peter Lawlor Assigned
11/4/2024 403165 1325 ATRB 2 nd toilet in from sink leaks from underneath when toilet is flushed Jolene McFarland Closed
11/4/2024 403269 3186 ATRB Attn: Temperature Control ATRB, Research Lab 3186, Temperature reads 86 degrees Trend has been high for months. (76-88 degrees) Donald Boyle Assigned
11/11/2024 403909 0340 ATRB Delta to perform major PM on unit. $803.45 Ryan Rieke Open
11/11/2024 403911 0340 ATRB Delta to perform major PM $803.45 Ryan Rieke Open
11/11/2024 403915 0340 ATRB Delta to perform major PM $264.99 Ryan Rieke Open
11/11/2024 403917 0340 ATRB Delta to perform major PM $264.99 Ryan Rieke Open
11/21/2024 405066 6340 ATRB AHU3, SFA3, check bearings, fan noisier than usual Janet Schneider Materials-Awaiting
12/9/2024 410357 3310 ATRB AED Cabinet on 3rd floor false alarms. Alex Wiley Assigned
12/11/2024 410550 6351 ATRB Hi all - the following needed repairs have been reported: 6th floor above the drinking fountains, ceiling tile has been water damaged, resulting in debris shedding onto drinking fountains. Maybe a pipe condensation situation above? 6th floor door # 6351-1, exits to roof and is locked. It has a very large gap at the bottom allowing a stream of cold air in. It is the west door that exits to the north. That is all I have! and, Have a great day! Pete 515-294-2100 PG112833 Donna Moore Closed
12/11/2024 410574 3160 ATRB Sorvall benchtop centrifuge (Thermo Scientific, Sorvall ST 40R, ISU property #456278) is displaying a "MOTOR OVERTEMP" error message. Su-Ling Liu Assigned
12/11/2024 410603 6351 ATRB Hi all - the following needed repairs have been reported: 6th floor above the drinking fountains, ceiling tile has been water damaged, resulting in debris shedding onto drinking fountains. Maybe a pipe condensation situation above? That is all I have! and, Have a great day! Pete 515-294-2100 PG112833 Donna Moore Assigned
12/12/2024 410742 3003 ATRB Would it be possible to increase 2-3 grades the temperature at ATRB room 3003? Thanks! Raquel Espin Palazon Assigned
12/16/2024 410934 5140 ATRB Light switch for 5140 ATRB not functioning and will not turn lights on or off. Additional location information: Hallway outside west entrance to 5140 Work tags to attach: PG101238 Kathleen Ross Materials-Awaiting
12/17/2024 411009 0340 ATRB ATRB - Basement Mech Room 0340 Verify circuit 16 in Panel LBC is operational. One of the two outlets above the DUI station will reset then trips out. Thank you- Michael Fields Closed
12/19/2024 411261 3003 ATRB Hi! The carpet in my office (room 3003) has many stainings and I would like it cleaned any time from Dec 24th to Dec 3rd. Worktag: PG110510 DD00239 Thanks! Raquel Espin Palazon Closed
1/2/2025 414688 2007 ATRB Can we please request a deep clean and carpet shampoo of 2007 ATRB faculty office space? We have a new faculty member starting Jan. 6th. PG112833 Donna Moore Closed
1/3/2025 414772 GENERAL ATRB Water leak from behind ice machine on 5th floor ATRB. We placed a basin to catch water but it fills up quickly. For more info or lab access, please contact Dr. Michael Wannemuehler ( Kathleen Ross Closed
1/3/2025 414799 1302 ATRB 4 broken chairs, one is by south wall, other 3 are in closet at front of room. Janet Schneider On Hold
1/6/2025 414888 4160 ATRB Fume Hood giving Alarm Additional location information: 4160 Seema Rani Raychaudhuri On Hold
1/7/2025 414958 4329 ATRB Scott Nibe Closed
1/7/2025 415003 6345 ATRB Hallway Led tube lamp has failed outside room 6345 Additional location information: Hallway Led tube lamp has failed outside room 6345 Peter Lawlor Closed
1/7/2025 415015 3209 ATRB Desk Four - The standing desk isn’t functioning properly, and the current height is not ideal for me, it’s too high for sitting and too low for standing. PG112833 Could you please have someone look at repairs for desk four? Donna Moore Assigned
1/7/2025 415048 1345 ATRB Damages to wall and wall/floor trim. Drywall is exposed and crumbling. 1345 ATRB Donna Moore On Hold
1/9/2025 415223 4104 ATRB We would like someone to check the humidity setting on the Percival RSE11 Plant Growth Chamber. The humidity is set to 50% but using a environmental monitor, the humidity level has been around 14%. We know that there may be seasonal fluxuation, but want to make sure humidity system is working properly before we look at other solutions (adding a humidifier unit to the room). Work tags to attach: PG112831 DD15539 Thomas Maier Closed
1/9/2025 415233 1344 ATRB Hi all - we noticed today that our department name is incorrect on the window adjacent to the office door. It states Department of Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology instead of the correct name - Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology and Microbiology. Please see attached pictures. pg112833 Thanks, Donna Donna Moore On Hold
1/13/2025 415367 5003 ATRB There is a high pitched whining that periodically emits from the ceiling (possibly the motion sensor). I would like it to stop. Work tags to attach: SG2704983 Molly Kozminsky Assigned
1/13/2025 415406 1329 ATRB Urinal is continually flushing and about to over flow. Donna Moore Closed
1/14/2025 415627 3160 ATRB From Inspection 12594 ; fume hood E052934 airflow is too low and needs brought up to acceptable range (80-125 fpm). Katelyn Thompson Assigned
1/15/2025 415699 ATRB COLD WEATHER BUILDING INSPECTION - ATRB Sailesh Gautam Closed
1/15/2025 415837 4120 ATRB From Inspection 12621 ; fume hood E052938 airflow is too low and needs brought up to acceptable range (80-125fpm). Katelyn Thompson Assigned
1/16/2025 415878 GENERAL ATRB Large ceiling light out in atrium on second floor by big set of windows Jolene McFarland Closed
1/16/2025 415929 GENERAL ATRB Large light out in atrium with big windows Jolene McFarland Closed
1/16/2025 415980 ATRB Hi all - We would like to make some changes on door keys. 1. add 2124 ATRB to the 1CAC37 key 2. add 0335 ATRB to the 1CAA37 key PG112833 Thanks, Donna Donna Moore Closed
1/16/2025 416018 3142 ATRB We have sensitive equipment in ATRB rooms 3142 and 3106. Is it possible to reduce the temperature ~5 degrees F? Thanks! Phone number: 5152944628 Raquel Espin Palazon Closed
1/22/2025 416392 0340 ATRB Room 340, water leak from one of the pipes, ultra violet water treatment, "PWO3 pure water pump serves Deionization unit DIU1, EO52572" Wendy Bates Materials-Awaiting
1/22/2025 416520 5120 ATRB From Inspection 12688 ; fume hood E054368 airflow is too low and needs brought up to acceptable range (80-125fpm). Katelyn Thompson Assigned
1/22/2025 416521 5160 ATRB From Inspection 12689 ; fume hood E054365 airflow is too low and needs brought up to acceptable range (80-125fpm). Katelyn Thompson Assigned
1/23/2025 416582 2124 ATRB Can you please add 2124 ATRB to the change key 1CAC37? PG112833 Thanks, Donna Donna Moore Closed
1/27/2025 417478 ATRB Hello, We have several ongoing, unresolved issues with fume hoods on the 5th floor of ATRB. We have submitted several work orders, but often only part of the work order has been completed or if work has been completed the issue still reoccurs. A few times our requests have been closed out without anyone checking the issue. Our two main issues involve water leaks from the cooling water and faulty electrical outlets. Water often leaks from above the fume hood when the cooling water is in use, even if we have the water turned as low as possible. Unfortunately, this low flow of water isn't enough to sufficiently cool our reactions vessels and it is concerning that water is dripping from above where electrical outlets are located. The fume hood in 5140 has additional water issues where there is water hammering, or the flow of water completely stops on its own after ~4 hours. As some of our chemical reactions need to run overnight, we can't have the cooling water simply turn off on its own. This particular fume hood has supposedly been replumbed, but the issues have persisted. The faulty electrical outlets often trip, even without anything plugged in or in use. Unfortunately, this means the outlets are unusable as we can't have our equipment turn off in the middle of a reaction. I've attached a map showing all the water leaks and faulty electrical outlets. Please feel free to contact me for more information at or 920-639-8625. As there are multiple areas of work needed, it may be best to schedule a time for repair so we can remove hazards and make sure you have proper access to the fume hoods. ATRB floor 5 Additional location information: Fume hood repairs in 5100, 5120, and 5140 ATRB. Work tags to attach: SG2704983 Kathleen Ross Assigned
1/28/2025 417617 ATRB Steam leaking from Autoclave #2 ATRB floor 4 Additional location information: 4th floor Room Number 4186 Seema Rani Raychaudhuri Closed
1/28/2025 417653 ATRB Fire alarm Kimberlee Skelton Assigned
1/28/2025 417660 1335 ATRB Hi all, Is installing cabinet locks on the mailroom cabinet doors possible? If so, we would like an estimate for this project. PG112833 Thanks, Donna Donna Moore Assigned
1/31/2025 417912 6120 ATRB slight drip over the last few weeks...dripping on/over fire alarm. Additional location information: located in the hallway outside ATRB 6120 Peter Lawlor Assigned
2/3/2025 420605 ATRB Hi all, We would like to have research group keys made for the following door groups. These spaces do not have a sub key that opens the lab spaces needed by workers only the master key. 1. 2186, 2101, 2105, 2124 2. 0325, 0326, 0325 3. 6345, 6345A, 6100, 6120, 6110 This will allow our research scientists, faculty, and graduate students access without the master key and without carrying a lot of keys to their needed spaces. PG112833 Thanks, Donna Donna Moore Open
2/4/2025 420763 2329 ATRB There are a few holes in the men's bathroom on the second floor because there is no pad spot for the door stop to hit. The door stop on the stall door just hits the wall. It is the back stall door that hits the wall. Jacob Gustofson Open
2/5/2025 421134 ATRB Fire Panel Trouble. Strobe Trouble 6th Floor. Attn Kevin Vols Kevin Vols Assigned