Work Order Lookup

Date WO # Location Description Requester Status
9/29/2021 118570 2103 BLACK Design - EE - KT - Room 2103 Kenneth Thelen Open
9/29/2021 118571 1115 BLACK Design - EE - KT - Room 1115 Kenneth Thelen Closed
2/3/2023 258417 2079 BLACK The Air in room 2079 is not working, might be a thermostat issue. Room is very warm. Reference request 238388 for previous issues if needed. Nate Jensen On Hold
5/16/2023 280643 BLACK call back sat 13 Attn- Jeff Lamb- DPS called about AHU-5 being in alarm DPS dispatch DPS Assigned
8/29/2023 304941 BLACK CP002649-Utility Engineering-Black Engineering ATS Replacement Michael Olson Open
1/16/2024 335958 3020 BLACK Room 3020 Has no heat, the thermostat reads 62 and the register is ice cold. This is the same space that the heat was fixed in last month. Thank you Shelley Anderson Assigned
1/16/2024 335964 3004A BLACK Room 3004A - thermostat is reading 62 degrees and is very cold. There is no heat coming out. Shelley Anderson Assigned
1/23/2024 336895 0095E BLACK Black, Ground Floor, Room 95 D/E, FCU-2, Supply Fan OFF, Donald Boyle Assigned
2/9/2024 342186 M1054 BLACK Please pick up Genie GS-2632 scissor lift E009282 from receiving area and deliver to General Services Building loading dock. Must be completed by 2/15/23. Mark Wyant Open
2/19/2024 342955 M1044 BLACK Hire JCI Fire to repair Duct detectors that had no alarm when tested. Replace Duct Detector 1052-Zone 8-with new addressable version. New addressable shutdown relay, remote test and sampling tube is included.  Replace Duct Detector M4052 AHU-002 -Zone 2-with new addressable version. New addressable shutdown relay, remote test and sampling tube is included.  Lyle Bishop Open
3/6/2024 348323 BLACK Panel alarm & UPS alarm Hillary Anderson Assigned
3/20/2024 349311 M0098 BLACK Replace red lion totalizer with Rosemount remote transmitter Isaac Maffett Closed
3/20/2024 349355 M0098 BLACK Replacing red lion totalizer with Emerson equipment including: flow tube, fused disconnect, remote transmitter and integral to remote junction box. Isaac Maffett Closed
4/2/2024 354738 2014 BLACK The door closure for this office is broken. Please replace with the same type of door closure that was just installed in office 2100 Black. Sandy Sayer Assigned
4/18/2024 356215 GENERAL BLACK Floor tiles in second floor hallway have come loose and are wet due to a window leak. Please see attached photo. I think the black glue has asbestos. I have contacted EH&S to come over and test. Please find and stop the leak in the window. Sandy Sayer Assigned
4/18/2024 356222 C2039 BLACK Sampling and disposal of asbestos Charles Rodgers Open
5/8/2024 362468 2032 BLACK This office is freezing and the thermostat is making a leaky air sound. Please take a look at the thermostat to see if it is functioning properly Sandy Sayer Closed
5/20/2024 363528 M0105 BLACK Please assign to Don Gregory. Pull sewage pumps and check for leaks. Check floats for proper operation. Donald Gregory Materials-Awaiting
5/24/2024 364069 2043 BLACK It is very cold in the Mechanical Engineering admin office. The thermostat reads 63 degrees in the room currently. Is there any way that we could get this temperature bumped up? Thank you. Morgan Pierce Assigned
5/29/2024 364949 1117A BLACK INSTALL 2 480 V DISSCONNECTS ON WALL IN ROOM 1117A Aaron Jordan Assigned
6/3/2024 368506 M0098 BLACK Replace Valve M098 Hx1 Eric Zierke Closed
6/3/2024 368538 0083 BLACK Leak ceiling outside room 0083 in hall way with black exposed mold in ceiling. trash can in hallway John Howell Assigned
6/7/2024 368983 1116 BLACK The professor and grad students say it is too cold to work in this lab. Please see if there is anything you can do to make it more comfortable. Sandy Sayer Assigned
6/10/2024 369129 1059 BLACK two drop cords towards the center of the room with two sockets each 110V/30A for all. Sandy Sayer Assigned
6/24/2024 371448 2029 BLACK Room is very hot. AC does not work. Baskar Ganapathysubramanian Open
6/24/2024 371455 BLACK Call back fire alarm trouble attn Adam Pepper Adam Pepper Assigned
6/25/2024 371546 M0098 BLACK Repair steam relief valves. ATTN: Lyle Bishop Lyle Bishop Closed
6/25/2024 371594 BLACK Black, AHU-2, not making setpoint. SPT = 55 TMP = 68 VLV = 100% Open DIF = 8 degrees, should be 20 degrees Donald Boyle Assigned
6/28/2024 372667 1072 BLACK Asbestos sampling of floor tile and mastic in 1072 Charles Rodgers Closed
7/3/2024 375350 1116 BLACK The room is 65.5 degrees and the thermostat is set at 78. I think hat spring on the hot water line is stuck again. We tried looking at it but couldn't figure out how to open it up. Can you please just replace that part since it seems to not work at all anymore? Sandy Sayer Closed
7/10/2024 375843 1117B BLACK INSTALL 3 PHASE 208V DISSCONNET ANEL ON WALL IN RESEARCH LAB. Aaron Jordan Closed
7/10/2024 375852 0066 BLACK Room 66 thermostat is not working. Room is too cold. Aaron Jordan Closed
7/11/2024 375961 1117 BLACK install new sign with lab name outside of 1117 Black engineering. we currently have 3 signs on the wall outside the room and would like add 1 new sign with the name of the labs that occupy that space. I have 3 unused signs that can be used Aaron Jordan Assigned
7/12/2024 376081 M0098 BLACK Insulate Steam pipes near steam tunnel. See Michael Moore for additional details. Lyle Bishop Assigned
7/15/2024 376208 M0098 BLACK Both main steam valves not functioning. Needs to be replaced. ATTN: Michael Moore. Lyle Bishop Closed
7/17/2024 376563 2043 BLACK ME Dept main office is too cold. The occupants are running heaters under there desks and wearing blankets. The Chair of our department has to wear her winter coat when in her office. It is way too cold. Please warm the office up to a more comfortable temperature Sandy Sayer Closed
7/25/2024 377188 1117 BLACK We are looking to have a industrial sink moved. We are trying to redesign a layout and need to know if it is possible. We would like to figure out if the sink can be moved in the next week or two to determine a room layout. Aaron Jordan Assigned
7/26/2024 377302 BLACK Install hour meter and counter on sprinkler air compressor ATTN Nick Smith Nicholas Smith Assigned
8/1/2024 378533 GENERAL BLACK Pump in basement is leaking a lot of water. Steven Nelson Closed
8/5/2024 381317 1117 BLACK move electrical disconnect for cnc machine and check old disconnect for use/compatibility with new machine. Aaron Jordan Assigned
8/7/2024 381942 BLACK black AHU-4 not making set point DIF = 13, should be 23 degrees Donald Boyle Assigned
8/9/2024 382535 GENERAL BLACK Please relocate the thermostats in rooms 2019A and 2019B. I'm not sure if the one in 2019A is a thermostat or not but can we have it moved next to the door? Please move the thermostat in 2019B farther behind the door or between the doorway and pillar. I will be available to show you what we would like done if you wat to call my office number 294-2656 Sandy Sayer Assigned
8/12/2024 382762 1091 BLACK Condensate leaking onto ballast in room. Alex Sobotka Closed
8/14/2024 383045 1091 BLACK Please install 3 compressed air drops in 1091 Black. one on west wall, one on east wall and one on north wall. There is a compressed air line running east/west in the center of the room we would like you to tap off of. There are already three capped drops on that line you could possibly use. Sandy Sayer Assigned
8/19/2024 383469 M0098 BLACK CDP4 LEAKING at motor Michael Bond Closed
8/20/2024 383750 2073A BLACK Room is too hot. Derek Dickson Open
8/22/2024 383964 C1040 BLACK We keep getting forced entry alarms for this door even though the door is closed. The alarm comes in around 20 times. William Brown Closed
8/26/2024 384267 R1111 BLACK The stall against the wall leaks alot of water when flushed John Holt lll Closed
8/26/2024 384483 1104A BLACK Abate small 2'x2' section of floor.. We removed a base cabinet to make room for a piece of equipment and there were floor tiles with mastic in the glue underneath. Sandy Sayer Assigned
8/26/2024 384529 2045A BLACK The heat is on in my office and it is uncomfortably warm. Please turn off the heat. Work tags to attach: PG103402 Brianna Enearl Assigned
8/27/2024 385201 R1111 BLACK The urinal on the far left when you walk in isn't working. It doesn't flush at all, might be the sensor or motor John Holt lll Closed
8/27/2024 385302 1116 BLACK Black, Lab 1116, Reheat leaking by SPT = 68 TMP = 92 VLV = Closed Donald Boyle Closed
8/27/2024 385374 BLACK Unlock Doors on 9/02/2024 from 7:00am-12:00 Midnight Aaron Jordan Canceled
8/29/2024 385638 1104A BLACK Item 1 needs: 2 - 480 V, 30 A, 3 phase outlets & fused disconnect 1 - 208 V, 20 A, 1 phase outlet ( 6-20R ) Item 2 needs: 1 - 208 V, 50 A, 1 phase outlet ( 10-50R ) Estimate cost before proceeding. Work tags to attach: GR-028404-00001 James Dautremont Assigned
8/29/2024 385664 1104A BLACK Please change the ballasts in the light fixtures to support LED bulbs. We need this research lab to be well lit. Sandy Sayer Assigned
8/30/2024 385800 1026 BLACK light out in the room Jonathan Smith Assigned
9/4/2024 389154 1091 BLACK We removed a blue gas cylinder cabinet from this room and there is a small 2' x 2' section of floor tile that needs removed. EH&S found no asbestos in the mastic in this room. Sandy Sayer Assigned
9/5/2024 389220 R1044 BLACK Both lights above the urinals are out completely John Holt lll Assigned
9/5/2024 389272 R1044 BLACK There is a light out in R1044. Aaron Jordan Assigned
9/6/2024 389425 M0098 BLACK Replace pre action sprinkler valve Justin Abbott Assigned