Work Order Lookup

Date WO # Location Description Requester Status
7/14/2021 97381 COM BDG WG49844 - AT&T/VERIZON CELL TOWER EQUIPMENT UPGRADE 2019 WORK Randolph Larabee Open
7/14/2021 97385 COM BDG WH02936 - AT&T LEASE UPDATE-COMMUNICATIONS BUILDING Randolph Larabee Open
4/3/2023 272166 COM BDG call back-heating water pump #4-5 alarm, DPS dispatch DPS Assigned
4/12/2023 273021 COM BDG Center south door, interior ceiling heat curtain blowing hot air. Mark Wyant Open
4/20/2023 273776 COM BDG There is an area of the sidewalk southwest of the Communication Building that routinely pools water across the entire sidewalk when it rains. Would it be possible to get some fill dirt and new concrete to raise that area to prevent the water from pooling. I have a photo, but I don't see a way to add an attachment to this request. Michael Pedersen Assigned
7/7/2023 293591 1063 COM BDG Water is coming up from the floor. Floor tiles are loose. Kristine Vandenbroeke Assigned
11/21/2023 324154 GENERAL COM BDG Call back Friday 18th from DPS AHU-7 in alarm DPS dispatch DPS Assigned
2/28/2024 344556 1331 COM BDG Over head garage doors need new gaskets & weather stripping. Connor Kuehl Closed
5/29/2024 364934 COM BDG The water fountain by 1041 is clogged with coffee grounds coming out of it. Austin White Assigned
6/17/2024 369673 1135 COM BDG Water is dripping from the ceiling Kristine Vandenbroeke Closed
7/10/2024 375849 1041 COM BDG Install prox lock for card swipe similar to ones recently installed at Estes Music Hall. It is to be programmed by music staff, not Facilities. It is not to be wired to any system. Check with locksmith Eric on model needed for this install. Please install after August 1 as the room is still assigned to another department. Please complete by August 7, 2024. Use worktag PG109565 Lawrence Curry Closed
7/19/2024 376743 1121A COM BDG Install lock on door 1121A-A. Please key to C3AC2 Eric Ohrt Assigned
7/19/2024 376744 1115 COM BDG Investigate HVAC issues in 1115 & 1121A. See Eric Ohrt for details Eric Ohrt Closed
7/24/2024 377096 COM BDG HWP2 - leaking in expansion fitting - see Tyler Pearson for details Tyler Pearson Closed
8/2/2024 381214 1154 COM BDG The ceiling tiles in 1154 are wet again and need to be replaced. The ceiling should also be checked that the leak has been fixed. Replacement ceiling tiles needed in 1135 (hallway) There is also mold and rot starting to form again in the display case area between 1135 & 1154. Service Request ID 372628 was closed, but the work still needs to be completed. Daniel Brauer Assigned
8/2/2024 381221 1154 COM BDG There is also mold and rot starting to form again in the display case area between 1135 & 1154 from old leak Daniel Brauer Assigned
8/2/2024 381230 1154 COM BDG union leaking next to heating water shut off. See Don and Scott for details Daniel Brauer Closed
8/2/2024 381242 1135 COM BDG Submit a Request for EHS to check for mold in the display case. It is in the lobby, 1135. This is from a leak from the mechanical room. Gail Koobs Closed
8/6/2024 381606 1021A COM BDG The door in Comm Bldg room 1021B doesn't close (hits the door jam) Sara Julich Closed
8/6/2024 381619 1021A COM BDG We got carpet in 1021A, but need some sort of sound dampening; lots of echo in the office. Interestingly enough, there are sound absorbing panels in the 1021 open space in the ceiling that really help. Not sure if we can get any type of sound dampening for 1021A but would like to see what the quote would be for it. Looking for a QUOTE ONLY at this point. No work should be done before getting approval. Sara Julich Closed
8/6/2024 381749 2046 COM BDG The air conditioning does not seem to be functioning properly in room 2046 nor is the air circulating. The room is too warm and stuffy. The ceiling vents do not seem to be putting air out in any of the offices in the space (suite 2040). Additional location information: Suite 2040 Sara Jensen Assigned
8/19/2024 383452 1115 COM BDG Hello FPM, I'm reaching out to have the florescent light bulbs in room 1115 in the Comm Bldg replaced. Dayon Royster Assigned
8/21/2024 383867 1154 COM BDG This morning, we noticed a mouse running around in 1154 Communications building and the hallway outside the room. Phone number: 515-294-4064 Philip Kuhlman Closed
8/26/2024 384484 COM BDG Large dumpster on the NE corner by the garages has a wasps nest on it. Daniel Brauer Closed
8/28/2024 385402 1063 COM BDG There is a sink that is dripping water from the pipe underneath. Comm bathroom by the vending machines. Sara Julich Closed
8/28/2024 385428 COM BDG Multi-lights out in halls and stairwells Assign to Rock Thanks Laverne Williams Assigned
8/28/2024 385468 2150 COM BDG Attention Josh Bremer Communications Building HS2 Heating System having trouble maintaining temperature Joshua Bremer Closed
8/28/2024 385482 1105 COM BDG Sink is leaking underneath when used. Jeremy Flathers Closed
9/5/2024 389310 COM BDG Oil Change. Anthony Gervais Open
9/5/2024 389311 COM BDG Flush/change coolant Anthony Gervais Open