Work Order Lookup
Date | WO # | Location | Description | Requester | Status |
1/12/2022 | 156629 | ENRL_SC | Please assign to Mike and Joe Use shop account | Christine Maduro | Assigned |
6/25/2024 | 371567 | GENERAL ENRL_SC | Water leaking out of black sanitary sewer line pipe above pumps close to the outside wall | Dustin Limoges | Assigned |
8/1/2024 | 378607 | S0209 ENRL_SC | It looks like the window seal on one of the windows in the south stairwell has blown a seal. I can send a picture. I'm not sure if this is a problem. FYI, we are going to have the windows cleaned inside and out sometime in August. | Kara Schoepfer | Assigned |
8/30/2024 | 385746 | 0110D ENRL_SC | There is a sound in the west side of the room in the wall that sounds like a mouse chewing on something. | Tara Gregg |
Closed 9/10/2024
9/3/2024 | 388948 | GENERAL ENRL_SC | There is a small puddle with a dripping pipe on the west side of the basement. | Samuel Stephan |
Closed 9/11/2024
9/4/2024 | 389090 | C0008 ENRL_SC | East side exit sign is blinking, maybe a battery issue | Samuel Stephan |
Closed 9/30/2024
9/11/2024 | 389695 | 0010 ENRL_SC | Sewage smell persists, has largely moved to room 10. | Samuel Stephan |
Closed 9/11/2024
9/12/2024 | 389823 | C0007 ENRL_SC | South East fire door scrapes the floor and occasionally jams open | Samuel Stephan | Assigned |
9/12/2024 | 389837 | M0003A ENRL_SC | AHU1 coils need cleaned Attn Jeff E | Jeffrey Ellsworth |
Closed 9/24/2024
9/19/2024 | 390605 | M0003 ENRL_SC | Repair Fire Alarm Panel System deficiencies: 3rd flr SW corner office sprinkler head covered with tape | Lyle Bishop |
Closed 10/3/2024
9/19/2024 | 390645 | R0204 ENRL_SC | The door to the women's restroom on the 2nd floor is not shutting all the way. The door seems to be out of place or swollen from the humidity. | Kara Schoepfer |
Closed 9/25/2024
9/20/2024 | 390712 | ENRL_SC | Water Testing at Enrollment Services | David Frost | Open |
9/24/2024 | 391031 | R0204 ENRL_SC | Bathroom stall making loud noises | Kara Schoepfer |
Closed 9/25/2024
10/1/2024 | 392363 | 0214 ENRL_SC | The radiator in this room is making loud noises that it has not made before. | Ronald Sykora |
Closed 10/3/2024