Work Order Lookup
Date | WO # | Location | Description | Requester | Status |
3/20/2023 | 266771 | 1660 LAGOMAR | 1660 complex hot 1660E temp is 78° contact info Rose 686-1132 | Rose Warrick | On Hold |
4/12/2023 | 273066 | 1320A LAGOMAR | Occupant too cold. | Sarah Kallsen | Assigned |
8/10/2023 | 301717 | LAGOMAR | There is a slightly raised slab of concrete that has being causing folks to trip. It is directly in front of the main Northern entrance of Lagomarcino Hall. One individual had fallen completely to the ground. Another trip and scarped their knee while losing their shoe. I don't know if if the edges can be shaved to create a slope but I thought I would info someone. | Eduardo Boro | Assigned |
8/16/2023 | 302354 | 0250 LAGOMAR | Wallpaper is flaking off on wall to the right when entering the room | Ethan Bowers | Assigned |
2/26/2024 | 343611 | 1600 LAGOMAR | AED Cabinet False Alarms | Alex Wiley | On Hold |
3/26/2024 | 349930 | 0760 LAGOMAR | Estimate/options to purchase tables for classroom to be able to have 8 tables/pods for 4 students per table/pod. Not sure this will be purchased, want to get estimate to present to Department for possible purchase. Worktag provided is for design estimate costs - purchase worktag will be provided if decide to purchase. | Rashele Johnson | Open |
5/13/2024 | 362840 | 1520 LAGOMAR | south (red) wall needs re-painted | Janet Schneider | Assigned |
5/20/2024 | 363585 | 2446 LAGOMAR | office too warm | Sarah Kallsen | Assigned |
5/21/2024 | 363800 | 2660 LAGOMAR | The instructor for a class in that classroom for the hours from 1:10-5:00 PM on Tuesdays says there has been no AC and it has been miserably hot in there for the last two weeks. You cannot adjust the temperature either. Please help. Thank you! | Shelley Stow | Assigned |
5/30/2024 | 365057 | 0640 LAGOMAR | Room is too cold, can the temperature be turned up to 72 or 73 degrees in this room? | Sheley Johnson | On Hold |
5/31/2024 | 365143 | 1740C LAGOMAR | We had a white board installed yesterday and now there is some touch up painting around it that we need done please. There is some different colored paint on the wall where a bulletin board was before. We have leftover paint that matches from the recent remodel in the office suite next door. | Shelley Stow | Assigned |
7/9/2024 | 375658 | 1445 LAGOMAR | Lago, West, Room 1445, Unreliable temp sensor. | Donald Boyle | Assigned |
7/17/2024 | 376539 | 1460AC LAGOMAR | My standing desk is no longer working and I have checked and made sure all wires are connected | Grace Wolf | Assigned |
7/29/2024 | 378150 | GENERAL LAGOMAR | hallways are really warm (by Psych main office 1347). I know there was a utility outage recently...? | Sarah Kallsen | Assigned |
8/9/2024 | 382560 | 1347A LAGOMAR | Attn: JLamb- the heating valve appears to have rusted off, replace operator or the entire valve | Jeffrey Lamb | Assigned |
8/19/2024 | 383557 | LAGOMAR | Purchase and install furniture for 2311 Lagomarcino | Brady Streit | Open |
10/8/2024 | 396372 | 0660 LAGOMAR | Fire sprinkler main shut off valve, leaking i talked with Adam, this needs to go to him, attn: Adam Pepper | Janet Schneider |
Closed 1/7/2025
10/16/2024 | 397023 | 2347 LAGOMAR | Patch and paint wall where chalkboard was taken down. Color: (Whitetail (SW7103) (Attention: Leo Pierce) | Brady Streit | Assigned |
11/5/2024 | 403475 | 1460AC LAGOMAR | Academic adviser has a standing desk in her office that no longer moves up and down. We are hoping this is something that can be repaired. I'm not sure if this moves manually or electrically. Please work with Whitney Baker or myself for access to Lago 1460AC. | Jennifer Gentile | Assigned |
11/8/2024 | 403753 | LAGOMAR | The sidewalk outside of Lago by the 1640 entrance is sticking up about an inch. | Rose Warrick | Assigned |
11/19/2024 | 404892 | 0104C LAGOMAR | Repair Fire Alarm Panel System deficiencies: 1651 telecom. Missing sprinkler head. 1651 telecom. Not allowed to hang anything from Sprinkler pipe. Smoke detector 0140a-1 telecom - LED not working 4098-9601 Horn/Strobe Lower level by 0180 - Not Working (4903-9255) ATTN: Tim Kelly | Sailesh Gautam | Assigned |
11/25/2024 | 405285 | 1400 LAGOMAR | The doors isn't locking which makes the handicap sensor not working also questions call Jen at 686-1103 | Jennifer Luetkeman | Assigned |
12/2/2024 | 409554 | 1155 LAGOMAR | Space is too cold. | Travis Chilcott |
Closed 1/7/2025
12/3/2024 | 409870 | 0420 LAGOMAR | Faculty would like the access code to the lock box outside the lab in Lago 0420 changed FROM 6033 TO 8099 due to a change in student workers. | Jennifer Gentile |
Closed 1/8/2025
12/4/2024 | 410077 | 2681 LAGOMAR | Needs office heated please. The register is blowing out cold air. Changing the thermostat does nothing and there's no access to the fan controls so it cannot be turned off. Please fix. | Shelley Stow | Assigned |
12/11/2024 | 410579 | 0218 LAGOMAR | Light above bathroom sink is not working | Dawn Tyler |
Closed 12/21/2024
12/12/2024 | 410731 | 2339 LAGOMAR | My office is very cold. It's been like this for quite a while, but feels worse with the colder weather. It's not easy to work or have meetings in my office because it's just too cold. The thermostat does not respond; should it? Thank you, in advance, for fixing it! | Kathy Hanisch | Assigned |
12/13/2024 | 410788 | 1655 LAGOMAR | The switch on vacuum E054656 needs repaired it is loose and falling in contact info Rose 686-1132 | Rose Warrick | Materials-Awaiting |
12/19/2024 | 411209 | 1172 LAGOMAR | Vacuum hose has a crack in it and needs fed back into the head this vacuum does not work I thought it was plugged but didn't get anything out of it and did not vacuum up any of the sand from the entrance rugs it all stayed in the head the vacuum just needs replaced. Vacuum E024162 contact info Rose 686-1132 | Rose Warrick | Materials-Awaiting |
12/19/2024 | 411300 | 2347 LAGOMAR | We recently had a work order completed to adjust the temperature in Lago 2347 (work order 409901). The faculty in that room is still having difficulties adjusting the temperature with the thermostat in the room. The temp is set to about 85, but the room still feels like only 65. She would like to be able to adjust the temperature in the room. Can the thermostat be repaired? | Jennifer Gentile | Assigned |
12/20/2024 | 411313 | 2347 LAGOMAR | please have carpenters repair/ seal window in 2347 | Brian Angstrom | Assigned |
12/23/2024 | 411408 | 1500 LAGOMAR | For door 1500-1. Key will fit in lock but will not turn in the lock. | Shelley Stow |
Closed 1/6/2025
1/2/2025 | 414697 | 1411 LAGOMAR | window shade needs repair, 4th window from north | Janet Schneider | Assigned |
1/8/2025 | 415115 | 2446 LAGOMAR | Attention: Justin Rummans I spoke with Brady Streit about replacing the carpet in Lago 2446 while we have other contractors in the building doing another carpet job in Lago 1465. Carpet replacement in Lago 2446 - This carpet replacement was planned to be included with the closed project PR1254075, but the faculty member was not able to vacate the office at that time. We have all the carpet tiles and trim needed - they are being stored in Science 0058. Faculty member has all the small items removed from the office. Brady is working on moving the desk and other large items. Worktags to use will be split: 50% PG103907 DD19742 50% PG100170 DD19742 | Jennifer Gentile |
Closed 1/13/2025
1/8/2025 | 415137 | 0509 LAGOMAR | seal is leaking on HWP#3 | Michael Mosch | Assigned |
1/10/2025 | 415291 | 2155EB LAGOMAR | Dr. Tanda Kidd would like the whiteboard removed from her office wall. In its place, we have a large metal "poster" created by Printing Services she would like installed. | Ann Mobley | Assigned |
1/13/2025 | 415366 | 1730 LAGOMAR | FCU191, repair/replace motor, won't spin. above ceiling, near north wall of lobby of office | Janet Schneider | Assigned |
1/13/2025 | 415368 | 1455 LAGOMAR | FCU193, repair/replace motor, won't spin, above ceiling right inside door | Janet Schneider | Assigned |
1/13/2025 | 415370 | 1416 LAGOMAR | FCU, not labeled so not sure of number, repair/replace motor, sent sparks flying when turned on, north unit in room | Janet Schneider | Assigned |
1/13/2025 | 415385 | 2685 LAGOMAR | Way too Hot. Temp is 90 degrees. | Shelley Stow | Assigned |
1/13/2025 | 415486 | 0420 LAGOMAR | We would like to have a keypad installed outside a lab in the basement in Lagomarcino Hall Please order and install Yale Next Touch door lock on Lago 0420 door | Jennifer Gentile | Assigned |
1/15/2025 | 415734 | LAGOMAR | COLD WEATHER BUILDING INSPECTION - LAGOMAR | Maintenance Support Admin |
Closed 1/17/2025
1/19/2025 | 416215 | LAGOMAR | Call back-low limit AHU 3 | Tyler Pearson | Open |