Work Order Lookup
Date | WO # | Location | Description | Requester | Status |
10/20/2022 | 232007 | MARSTON | Brick inlay outside the east doors is uneven and is a tripping hazzard | Emily Breitbarth | Open |
7/19/2023 | 295191 | 1300G MARSTON | We have two offices (1300 G and H) that need to have the wall spackled and repainted as we have new staff members in these two spaces and we discovered the wall board in torn in places. I am requesting Duane Strah if he has time in his schedule since he is familiar with our office from having just recently done a project. Thank you! Jennifer Frisvold | Jennifer Frisvold |
Closed 1/21/2025
10/23/2023 | 317172 | MARSTON | Marston Fire Incident - October 20, 2023 - Fire was in Room 3018 - Work order for cleanup/repairs | John Netwal | Assigned |
10/31/2023 | 318549 | MARSTON | Marston Hall Fire Contracts | Eric Ohrt | Open |
12/20/2023 | 331095 | MARSTON | PO for survey | Joseph Stoberl | Open |
1/4/2024 | 334931 | MARSTON | Parking Pass for Contractor | Joseph Stoberl | Open |
2/26/2024 | 343612 | 4100 MARSTON | AED Cabinet by Men's restroom false alarms. | Alex Wiley | Materials-Awaiting |
5/29/2024 | 364951 | 4100C MARSTON | INTRAMURAL TO PRINTING | Joseph Stoberl | Open |
6/6/2024 | 368893 | MARSTON | In front of light pole BW 126 Sidewalk is uneven and has tripping hazard | Zachary Simmons |
Closed 1/23/2025
6/17/2024 | 369694 | MARSTON | A previous work order (WO # 356131) was created for the standing desk, the standing desk still cannot rise, right now it's a lot closer to the ground and unable to be used. | Amanda Runyan | Open |
8/8/2024 | 382425 | 1300 MARSTON | Hit wall with scrubber. Chipped wall | Jeanette Packer |
Closed 1/24/2025
11/19/2024 | 404793 | 2349 MARSTON | The Auto scrubber will not move. It comes on but there's no battery light. | Jeanette Packer |
Closed 2/5/2025
12/2/2024 | 409542 | 0150 MARSTON | 11/30 Call back from DPS- AHU-1 low temp alarm | DPS dispatch DPS | Assigned |
1/13/2025 | 415384 | MARSTON | Please check all water fountain / bottle filling stations throughout the building. A staff member said there was a red light on one of the stations and that indicates to check the filter. | Megan DeSart |
Closed 1/17/2025
1/13/2025 | 415395 | 1200B MARSTON | Please reference #414875 - now there is a mouse that has been caught in a trap in 1200B. Can you please send someone to take care of it? Thanks. | Lori Bushore |
Closed 1/15/2025
1/15/2025 | 415656 | 3156A MARSTON | The disposal on the sink in the Kitchenette in room 3156A Marston Hall is not working. Please look at as soon as possible | Jeremy Bowker |
Closed 1/15/2025
1/15/2025 | 415659 | 3156A MARSTON | Light burned out in kitchenette Marston 3156A. Light above the coffee machine. | Jeremy Bowker | Assigned |
1/15/2025 | 415746 | MARSTON | COLD WEATHER BUILDING INSPECTION - MARSTON | Maintenance Support Admin |
Closed 1/16/2025
1/22/2025 | 416417 | MARSTON | The elevator(s) are not going to the 4th floor even when the key card access box is green - all the time. We have had one staff person make it up, but the 4th floor access is spotty. We do not know which of the two it is, so would appreciate someone looking at both elevators when here. | Megan DeSart |
Closed 1/23/2025
1/24/2025 | 416730 | 3250 MARSTON | Total door system fire door fails to latch: 3rd floor south stair. 2024 fire marshal report. | Alex Wiley | Materials-Awaiting |
1/27/2025 | 417440 | 4100S MARSTON | Customer request: Bugs are in light covers and would like them cleaned out. Fixtures are higher than what custodian can reach with 10ft ladder. | Zachary Simmons | Assigned |
1/28/2025 | 417655 | 4125 MARSTON | Toilet continuously flushing | Megan DeSart |
Closed 2/3/2025
1/28/2025 | 417685 | 1179 MARSTON | Vacuum does not turn on when plugged in | Jacob Holt |
Closed 2/3/2025
1/30/2025 | 417862 | 4300 MARSTON | We need a framed poster hung in Marston 4300. PG102967 DD02220. Thank you! | Jeremy Bowker | Assigned |
2/3/2025 | 420612 | 1125 MARSTON | There is a light out in the women's restroom above the handicapped stall. | Lori Bushore | Assigned |
2/3/2025 | 420627 | 1100 MARSTON | One of the doors (inside southwest door) is scraping on the tile. | Lori Bushore |
Closed 2/6/2025
2/4/2025 | 420704 | GENERAL MARSTON | ants in hallway lots of them | Raven Pritchard | Assigned |