Work Order Lookup

Date WO # Location Description Requester Status
10/20/2022 232007 MARSTON Brick inlay outside the east doors is uneven and is a tripping hazzard Emily Breitbarth Open
10/23/2023 317172 MARSTON Marston Fire Incident - October 20, 2023 - Fire was in Room 3018 - Work order for cleanup/repairs John Netwal Assigned
10/31/2023 318549 MARSTON Marston Hall Fire Contracts Eric Ohrt Open
12/20/2023 331095 MARSTON PO for survey Joseph Stoberl Open
1/4/2024 334931 MARSTON Parking Pass for Contractor Joseph Stoberl Open
2/26/2024 343612 4100 MARSTON AED Cabinet by Men's restroom false alarms. Alex Wiley Assigned
4/15/2024 355821 GENERAL MARSTON Could you adjust the temperature on the 4th floor of Marston Hall. It is very warm on the floor. Please adjust the temperature a few degrees on the 3rd floor as well, bathrooms and public areas are warm. Thank you! Jeremy Bowker Assigned
4/17/2024 356131 4100 MARSTON The standing desk will go down, but not up Amanda Runyan Closed
5/17/2024 363463 3155 MARSTON I would like Gary Puls and/or Brandon Bartleson to help me take down and rearrange the portraits in the Marston Hall conference room. This can be done in July, according to Gary's free time. He may call Sydney 651-675-9443 to schedule a time. I will have to confirm with the building that it can be unlocked at that time. Sydney Marshall Closed
5/29/2024 364951 4100C MARSTON INTRAMURAL TO PRINTING Joseph Stoberl Open
5/29/2024 364957 4100C MARSTON FPM Shops to install room sign. Joseph Stoberl Assigned
5/31/2024 365149 2300 MARSTON Marston 2300 is a bit warm. We are holding a conference there next week and are hoping to get the temperature lowered a bit. Thank you! Phone number: 319 551 7427 Amy Walton Assigned
6/6/2024 368893 MARSTON In front of light pole BW 126 Sidewalk is uneven and has tripping hazard Zachary Simmons Assigned
6/17/2024 369694 MARSTON A previous work order (WO # 356131) was created for the standing desk, the standing desk still cannot rise, right now it's a lot closer to the ground and unable to be used. Amanda Runyan Open
6/27/2024 372528 1125 MARSTON Well.... here we go again. The faucet in the left sink in the women's restroom on the first floor of Marston is turning on by itself again. This is the third time I have put in a request for this issue. We are finding that it happens usually towards the end of the day. I have a video of this happening - who should I send the video to? Lori Bushore Materials-Awaiting
6/27/2024 372529 1195 MARSTON The men's restroom sign in the hallway by the gender neutral restroom is coming loose from the wall. Lori Bushore Closed
7/3/2024 375319 0150 MARSTON Steam condensate level in and out of high alarm. Attn. Scott Nibe Michael Hanson Closed
7/12/2024 376032 4100C MARSTON We would like to have a whiteboard removed off the wall and a digital display put up in it's place. I believe there is an outlet nearby, but we may need to have one dropped from the ceiling if not. We have the display and mount already, so those can be used as reference or installed if you are able. Thank you! Benjamin Johns Assigned
7/17/2024 376556 1179 MARSTON Custodial sink in room 1179 having severe drainage issues Brandon Price Closed
7/22/2024 376867 MARSTON External doors are chipping and the sealant is coming off and the outsides of all off the doors are getting weathered because of the no sealant Amanda Runyan Assigned
7/22/2024 376868 4100J MARSTON lights out Amanda Runyan Assigned
7/24/2024 377137 4200 MARSTON getting warm again in that office suite. fyi: last time temp was switched at night, we had condensation dripping on all of the computers in there. Amanda Runyan Assigned
7/25/2024 377164 3195 MARSTON Second urinal running Jeanette Packer Assigned
7/25/2024 377224 4300G MARSTON We need a pre-existing white board (with brackets) hung in 4300G Marston Hall. The whiteboard was removed from 4100C Marston and is still located on the 4th floor of Marston. I was unable to submit a work order, please advise on how to proceed. Thanks, Jean Jean Dubberke Assigned