Work Order Lookup
Date | WO # | Location | Description | Requester | Status |
4/4/2023 | 272273 | ROSS H | attn: Jlamb AHU-3 off on low limit | Jeffrey Lamb | Assigned |
3/21/2024 | 349554 | 0255 ROSS H | The occupant of this office is reporting that it's really cold. She tried adjusting the thermostat but it has not changed anything. Please troubleshoot. Thank you. | Candice Miller | Assigned |
4/19/2024 | 356259 | 0021 ROSS H | Drain line coming from 1.5 inch condensate is draining steam all the time | David Chenevert | Assigned |
4/29/2024 | 357801 | 0427 ROSS H | Quite some time ago, we reported a problem with a sit/stand desk in 427 Ross; I cannot find the request ID number in FAMIS so I am making a new one. Someone came and looked at the desk (I believe it may have been a Storey Kenworthy technician but I''m not sure). The desk was stuck in such a position that one side was all the way up and the other side was all the way down so it sat at an angle. Whoever came to look at it ordered a part, returned some time later and reported to me that it was not the right part and they would re-order. That is the last I heard on this issue. I checked today, and the workaround was to place a box under the side that was stuck in the down position to at least level the desk. The box is still there so I know it has not yet been fixed. Will you please send someone back to troubleshoot this again? Thank you. | Candice Miller | Assigned |
5/7/2024 | 362304 | ROSS H | Install steam drip legs and blowdowns. | David Chenevert | Assigned |
7/9/2024 | 375711 | 0162 ROSS H | Exterior door frame is rusting and needs to be painted. See photo. | Michelle Lenkaitis | Assigned |
9/13/2024 | 390028 | GENERAL ROSS H | AHU 2 disconnect needs replaced. contact jeff christensen for any questions. | Jeffrey Christensen | Assigned |
9/19/2024 | 390616 | 0119 ROSS H | Repair Fire Alarm Panel System deficiencies: Smoke Detector M1-18 ground lvl elev lobby - recalled east elevator to the ground floor instead of first. Heat Detector M1-3 ground lvl elec vault rm 0035 - could not inspect due to High Voltage. | Lyle Bishop | Open |
9/23/2024 | 390909 | 0549 ROSS H | The upper part of the room thermostat reads about 64-65 degrees; the bottom says 70. The blower seems to be on pretty much constantly, so I would like to avoid hypothermia and not waste energy but do not seem able to mess with the setting. Thanks very much. | Mack Shelley | Assigned |
11/14/2024 | 404253 | 0617 ROSS H | Hello, Dr. Rutenberg is having issues with flies being in her office. She is not sure how they are getting in, but there are getting in and then dying on her window sill. | Emily Randall | Assigned |
12/9/2024 | 410358 | 0404A ROSS H | Call back - Toilet constantly runs | Donald Gregory |
Closed 2/6/2025
12/10/2024 | 410451 | 0321 ROSS H | When you flip the light switch, the light doesn't always go on right away and you have to tap the switch. | Valerie Gregori |
Closed 1/9/2025
12/18/2024 | 411144 | 0028 ROSS H | Classroom 28, 5 light bulbs, classroom 26, two light bulbs classroom 24, 4 light bulbs classroom 22, two light bulbs classroom 20, 6 light bulbs classroom 25, 7 light bulbs classroom 27, one light bulb classroom 29, five light bulbs, are burned out | Brenda Frank |
Closed 1/14/2025
1/3/2025 | 414757 | ROSS H | Steps at the main entrance of Ross Hall are a little icy. More salt may need to be put on them | Valerie Gregori |
Closed 1/14/2025
1/9/2025 | 415183 | 0674 ROSS H | The History Department just had signage put up in the stairways to direct people to the appropriate offices. However the sign in 674 has the arrows pointing the wrong way and we would like it moved to be on the door. | Emily Randall |
Closed 2/7/2025
1/9/2025 | 415234 | 0349 ROSS H | Need a burned out ceiling light replaced | Valerie Gregori |
Closed 1/27/2025
1/16/2025 | 415951 | ROSS H | Hello, The west side elevator is not working. | Emily Randall | Assigned |
1/22/2025 | 416470 | 0119 ROSS H | Chariot 2 isn't putting down water. Or putting very little down. | Dion Andrews |
Closed 1/27/2025
1/28/2025 | 417570 | 0404 ROSS H | In the women's bathroom first stall by the paper towel rack water is leaking behind the toilet where the nut is | Betty Wilcox | Assigned |
1/28/2025 | 417613 | 0422 ROSS H | Men's restroom stool close to urinal leaking at nut at base of the stool | Betty Wilcox |
Closed 2/3/2025
1/29/2025 | 417733 | ROSS H | Door 0076B needs the lock changed to a storeroom function lock because the door opens into the elevator pit. Also change key from a SEM to a SEL. | Steven Ristvedt |
Closed 2/5/2025
1/31/2025 | 417960 | ROSS H | work with JCI to preform a firmwhare update on the fire panel at Ross Hall after firmwhare was installed we had to change out one device in room 0020 speaker strobe ATT> Tim Kelley | Timothy Kelley | Assigned |
2/3/2025 | 420590 | 0011 ROSS H | Men's bathroom first toilet by the urinal the toilet flushes for a long time and splatters water all over | Brenda Frank | Assigned |
2/6/2025 | 421198 | 0618 ROSS H | Can we please get a replacement ceiling tile the one that is up there is wet and moldy thank you | Brenda Frank |
Closed 2/7/2025
2/6/2025 | 421200 | 0618 ROSS H | Three light shades I believe that the ballast are bad none of the light bulbs are working. Thank you | Brenda Frank | Assigned |