Work Order Lookup

Date WO # Location Description Requester Status
5/23/2023 281364 1113 TROXEL Need slight drywall repair & paint for some damage to a couple areas of the drywall caused by the chair rubbing against the walls. Beth Paulsen Assigned
10/27/2023 318283 GENERAL TROXEL Rebuild roof drain on the NE side of the lower roof John Breon Assigned
11/14/2023 323728 TROXEL The outdoor security lights along brick wall that faces Horticulture Hall seem not be working. Beth Paulsen Assigned
1/16/2024 335928 TROXEL Call back broken fire sprinkler pipe attn Adam Pepper Adam Pepper Assigned
2/9/2024 342158 TROXEL Please pick up Genie lift E048898, located near elevator, and deliver to General Services Building loading dock. Must be done by 2/15/23 Mark Wyant Open
7/2/2024 375249 1209 TROXEL Needs new squeegee Pamela Stout Assigned
7/2/2024 375253 0207 TROXEL I really want to junk this thing! Ugh! I know Brock just fixed it for us. It worked fine last night to clean an area rug. Now tonight, it didn't appear to be putting out or sucking up the water correctly. I thoroughly vacuumed before using too. Thank you. Beth Paulsen Assigned
7/9/2024 375738 0207 TROXEL Leaking water in back near yellow warning label Pamela Stout Assigned
8/19/2024 383447 TROXEL Beginning on September 11th 2024 I would like the exterior footlights on the west side of the building turned off until November 30 2024 so that we may eliminate light pollution from Troxel so that we may grow poinsettia in the adjacent Hort greenhouses. There should be a breaker located in the north mechanical room. Please call me if this is not possible. Pete 294-2100 THANKS! Peter Lawlor Assigned
8/22/2024 384025 1100 TROXEL Exterior Door needs auto operator replaced. Steven Ristvedt Open
8/26/2024 384473 TROXEL NW Exterior Door Closer needs repaired/replaced. Mark Holzmer Closed
8/27/2024 385375 1120 TROXEL Cap end on handle is open, handle a bit loose. Outer door needs fixed. Beth Paulsen Closed