Current Projects in Horticulture Hall & Greenhouse

HORT-0004-348318-Office Furniture
Project Closeout
Room: 0004
Request date: 3/6/2024
Requested by: Kim Gaul
Contact: Melissa Warg
Construction start:
Construction end:
Please provide vendors for Chris Currey to order a stand-up desk and chair for Room 0004 Horticulture. Please install bookshelves on the East wall in Hort 0004A. Please contact Chris Currey at 294-1917 for details. Please provide an estimate to Chris. Please charge to PG112497:DD14494.
Budget Approval
Room: 0156
Request date: 4/17/2024
Requested by: Kim Gaul
Contact: Melissa Warg
Construction start: 5/28/2024
Construction end: 11/26/2024
We would like to order 3 chairs as similar as we can to the one in the attached picture. The most important features are adjustable to counter height; armless so they can go under the desk and they need a foot rest. If you could send me the options and price, I will get back to you with the order.