Current Projects in Howe Hall

HOWE-0618-355945-Cubicle Walls
Budget Approval
Room: 0618
Request date: 4/16/2024
Requested by: Carolyn Riedel
Contact: Scott Jasper
Construction start: 8/10/2024
Construction end: 2/8/2025
I would like to order cubicle walls to divide the supply storage part of the teaching lab from the working part of the teaching lab. The cubicle walls do not need to be too high, just discourage students from wandering to the back of the room and just helping themselves.
HOWE-0638-143899-Electrical & Air Connections
Room: 0638
Request date: 11/29/2021
Requested by: Carolyn Riedel
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 5/18/2023
Construction end: 7/26/2024
The AERE E Composites Lab located in 0638 Howe Hall has ordered a new autoclave to be constructed. The company has sent preliminary design drawings. I would like to have someone look over the drawings to make sure the electrical and air connections as well as a possible route to the fume hood will work as is or if the drawing sent will need to be modify
HOWE-1200-363269-New Cubicles, Ceiling, Lighting
Cost Range Approval
Room: 1200
Request date: 5/19/2024
Requested by: Arlene Grebasch
Contact: Scott Jasper
Construction start: 10/7/2024
Construction end: 4/7/2025
New cubicles, reconfigured for better appearance and usability. More welcoming upon entry with better separation to the back office. At least 2 fully enclosed cubes. Drop ceiling to be extended to outer walls, all new ceiling tiles and possibly new lighting included - Hoping this portion could be done this summer. with reconfigured cubes to follow as scheduling allows.
HOWE-1200A-341359-Office Furniture
Room: 1200A
Request date: 2/2/2024
Requested by: Arlene Grebasch
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 5/13/2024
Construction end: 11/11/2024
The new chair will need updated furniture for his office. Wall of wooden shelves with a matching rectangular desk in front and a seating area. Please provide some options to share with him. Wayne Chen
HOWE-1226-348451-Door Sign Replacement
Construction Documents
Room: 1226
Request date: 3/7/2024
Requested by: James Wellman
Contact: Joseph Stoberl
Construction start: 8/20/2024
Construction end: 2/18/2025
The door sign has gone missing.
HOWE-1234-375776-Furniture Warranty Issue
Construction Documents
Room: 1234
Request date: 7/10/2024
Requested by: Arlene Grebasch
Contact: Stephanie Hosier
Construction start: 9/19/2024
Construction end: 3/20/2025
WARRANTY ISSUE - a bracket on furniture installed about 9 months ago has broken leaving a piece of the modular desk loose. Picture of the bracket is attached.
Room: 1380
Request date: 2/16/2024
Requested by: Arlene Grebasch
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 7/26/2024
Construction end: 1/24/2025
We need to clear space for construction in Howe 1380 for the NEWRITE project. See attached list of progression of items involved. Upgrading lab 0224 space to move senior design academic lab from 1365 to allow wind tunnels to be move to current academic lab space 1385 and prep 1380 WiST lab for construction of a prototype tornado simulator. It is important that we progress in the correct order and have a good plan of how things will work. See G Drive Folders & LX Folders for details.
HOWE-2230-308938-Sound Dampening
Project Closeout
Room: 2230
Request date: 9/5/2023
Requested by: Arlene Grebasch
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start:
Construction end:
The department is interested in installing sound dampening in the hallways 2230, 2200, 2250. Noise from the Atrium events is becoming disruptive to the productive work environment of the faculty with offices on the 2nd floor. We would be intersted in options that both help absorb the sound and look decorative and make the space less industrial. Obviously function is the priority.
HOWE-2247-355140-Four Offices Carpet Replacement
Project Closeout
Room: 2247
Request date: 4/5/2024
Requested by: Arlene Grebasch
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 4/24/2024
Construction end: 6/7/2024
I have 4 offices that need new carpet (building standard design). Howe 2247, Howe 2355, Howe 2339, and Howe 2331. Removal and relay. Department will clear the spaces of existing furniture.
HOWE-2333-274908-2nd Floor 15 Faculty Office Furniture Replacement
Project Closeout
Room: 2333
Request date: 4/26/2023
Requested by: Arlene Grebasch
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 11/29/2023
Construction end: 6/13/2024
I need to order new furniture for 2 faculty members Dae Young Lee in office 2333 and Sidharth GS in office 2239 each to include a motorized standing desk 24x60 with monitor arms, a stationary desk with pencil drawer 30x66 and 24x72 so makes a U shape. 2233 Dr. Lee to include 2 mobile storage units (1 3 drawer, 1 2 drawer). no mobile storage for Dr. GS 8/25/2023 - Added Scope
HOWE-2345-375823-Lessening Noise in Offices
Construction Documents
Room: 2345
Request date: 7/10/2024
Requested by: Arlene Grebasch
Contact: Mitchell Hlavacek
Construction start: 10/1/2024
Construction end: 4/1/2025
We would like to conduct an experiment to lessen the noise between faculty offices. Before insulating all the offices, we'd like to insure this will fix the noise issue by having insulation blown in to 1 wall between office 2345 and 2343, If the holes are drilled near the ceiling, the insulation will be able to settle and still be a good barrier. Also, by making the holes up very high, less cosmetic work will be necessary due to existing drop ceiling. We are interested in the noise lessening but also doing this as economically as possible.
HOWE-2624-304030-Lighting and Furniture
Room: 2624
Request date: 8/25/2023
Requested by: Sara Marcketti
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 4/26/2024
Construction end: 10/25/2024
We have worked with Leigh Wiand and Troy Bowers on additional lighting for our space post remodel. We would like to complete that additional lighting request at this time. 4/2/2024 - Added Scope Please add Furniture to the project.
HOWE-General-330190-Entrance Remodel
Construction Documents
Room: General
Request date: 12/15/2023
Requested by: Arlene Grebasch
Contact: John Byerly
Construction start: 8/20/2024
Construction end: 2/18/2025
Update and enhance the entrance to the building to be more welcoming and safer by doing component projects listed below. Together these separate but coordinated items will the welcome visitors to Howe Hall in a new exciting way! - Add benches and tables to the HH Henningson Plaza on a concrete slab (est. 8-10) for students to study and gather. Including making the colors of the concrete match either via cleaning, coloring or re-pouring. - Opening up the entrance by changing the panels to the south of the walk way, potentially removing some - Lighting under the walkway and light the department sign that is inside the building - Improve the signage - Improve the look of the red brick exterior of Lee Liu Auditorium – to this end, see attached renderings as a proposed idea for this area - Clean and fix the building façade – windows, rust spots, etc. Add bird detractors to help maintain the cleanliness - Improve the look and condition of the retaining wall to the south of the sidewalk. Which could include removing the retaining wall, regrading and improving that grassy area. We also like the sign recently installed in front of the SIC across Bissell Road from Howe Hall We will be adding a second worktag as the Provost office is sharing expenses but to get things started we have entered the department's only.
HOWE-Replacement of Fire Alarm System
Project Closeout
Room: General
Request date: 9/10/2021
Requested by: John Netwal
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start:
Construction end:
We would like to begin a PIR to develop a scope of work and cost range for the replacement of the buildings Transponder Fire Alarm System. This technology has been abandoned by the manufacturer and is without support.
HOWE-Room 1380A-Ice Tunnel Compressor Replacement
Construction Documents
Room: 1380A
Request date: 10/26/2021
Requested by: James Benson
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 8/20/2024
Construction end: 2/18/2025
Want to replace compressor and controls for icing tunnel
HOWE-Various Offices-363267-Furniture for Various Rooms
Room: 2247
Request date: 5/19/2024
Requested by: Arlene Grebasch
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 7/26/2024
Construction end: 1/24/2025
I need to order furniture for the remaining aerospace academic offices. Following are the configurations by office based on the attached basic layout. HOWE2355 Wayne Chen (chair) - U shape with Standing desk, pencil drawer and 2 storage peds (1 3 drawer, 1 2 drawer) HOWE2231 Unoccupied - L shape (door opens Left), pencil drawer, 1 -3 drawer storage ped. no monitor arms no standing HOWE2247 Unoccupied - L shape (door opens Left), pencil drawer, 1 - 3 drawer storage ped, no monitor arms no standing HOWE2251 Unoccupied - L shape (door opens Left) pencil drawer, 1 - 2 drawer storage ped, no monitor arms no standing HOWE2331 Stephen Holland - waffling - U shape, pencil drawer, no storage, no arms no standing HOWE2339 Peter Sherman - U shape (door opens right), inc. pencil drawer and 2 storage peds with 2 drawers each - no monitor arms, no standing HOWE2621 Tyler Hoenig - 2 monitor arms (1 set) only