Current Projects in Kildee Hall
KILDEE- General-208569-Condensate Evaluation and Reconfiguration
Cost Range Approval
Room: General
Request date: 7/19/2022
Requested by: John Netwal
Contact: Brian Grove
Construction start: 3/28/2025
Construction end: 9/26/2025
Kildee condensate system needs to be evlauated and redesigned. There are system failures caused by improper designinstallation.
KILDEE-0005-350757-Furniture and Access
On Hold
Room: 0005
Request date: 3/27/2024
Requested by: Cory Walker
Contact: Denise Wulf
Construction start: 3/27/2025
Construction end: 9/25/2025
This project will remodel furniture and door access to existing Rm 0005.
Project scope revised 9/10/24 per Cory Walker.
Project Closeout
Room: 1204
Request date: 11/3/2023
Requested by: Cory Walker
Contact: Amy Tremain
Construction start: 8/21/2024
Construction end: 12/20/2024
Look at options for different tables. Current tables are 4' x 10' - Qty. 15. Looking at possible narrower tables to increase seating capacity. Not determined at this time if seating would be changed or not.
KILDEE-General-336651-PRV Study
Construction Documents
Room: General
Request date: 1/22/2024
Requested by: John Netwal
Contact: Brian Grove
Construction start: 2/11/2025
Construction end: 8/12/2025
We would like to have the Engineering Team review the recently installed PRV for code compliance and safety in the mechanical room and develop a detailed plan to correct any deficiencies found that could be either shared with a contractors or in-house staff. An engineering probable cost estimated would be greatly appreciated.
KILDEE-M0026-293580-Concrete Floor Drain Repair
Construction Documents
Room: M0026
Request date: 7/7/2023
Requested by: Brady Streit
Contact: Brian Grove
Construction start: 2/11/2025
Construction end: 8/12/2025
High Priority - This came from FPM Building Maintenance
Kildee Hall - Mechanical Room 0026 - Center floor drain is plugged and needs cleaned out with drain cleaning machine/snake.
Drain issue that needs to be turned into a project. We are unable to clear this drain and when we plunge it water comes up around electrical conduits in the vicinity. This leads us to believe that we have a deteriorated pipe under the concrete. This will require a plumbing contractor that has the capability to demo concrete, make the repairs, and replace the concrete. Ben Adams has extensive knowledge about this problem and claims that it has been turned in as a project before.
KILDEE-M0270-389941-Install water heater
Construction Documents
Room: M0270
Request date: 9/13/2024
Requested by: Lyle Bishop
Contact: Brian Grove
Construction start: 2/11/2025
Construction end: 8/12/2025
Install double wall water heater and separate the processed water from domestic water. See Brian Grove for further information.