Current Projects in Lagomarcino Hall

LAGOMAR-0201-318381-Remodel into Grad Spaces
Project Closeout
Room: 0201
Request date: 10/30/2023
Requested by: Jennifer Plagman-Galvin
Contact: Alexa Peters
Construction start:
Construction end:
ATTN: Leigh Wiand and Stephanie Hosier Transition 172 and 201 Lago into grad student spaces for HDFS, SOE and other CHS departments. Some patch/paint and desk layout. Reuse/purchasing of panels may be needed as well.
LAGOMAR-0760-349929-Flooring Replacement
Room: 0760
Request date: 4/11/2024
Requested by: Rashele Johnson
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 6/13/2024
Construction end: 12/12/2024
Would like a estimate to have laminate flooring removed and carpet squares installed - same or very similar carpet squares as installed in Room 0750, 0680 and 0460 to make this room usable again by Spring 2025.
LAGOMAR-0760-349930-Classroom Furniture
Cost Range Approval
Room: 0760
Request date: 3/26/2024
Requested by: Rashele Johnson
Contact: Scott Jasper
Construction start: 10/3/2024
Construction end: 4/3/2025
Estimate/options to purchase tables for classroom to be able to have 8 tables/pods for 4 students per table/pod. Not sure this will be purchased, want to get estimate to present to Department for possible purchase. Worktag provided is for design estimate costs - purchase worktag will be provided if decide to purchase.
Cost Range Approval
Room: 1432
Request date: 8/11/2023
Requested by: Jennifer Gentile
Contact: Scott Jasper
Construction start: 4/28/2025
Construction end: 10/27/2025
The Psychology Department is looking for estimates to renovate 1432 Carpet and ceiling
Cost Range Approval
Room: 2315
Request date: 8/11/2023
Requested by: Jennifer Gentile
Contact: Scott Jasper
Construction start: 4/28/2025
Construction end: 10/27/2025
The Psychology Department is looking for estimates to renovate 2315 Full renovation (floor, ceiling, walls, furniture)
Cost Range Approval
Room: 2331
Request date: 8/11/2023
Requested by: Jennifer Gentile
Contact: Scott Jasper
Construction start: 4/28/2025
Construction end: 10/27/2025
The Psychology Department is looking for estimates to renovate 2331 Carpet and ceiling
Cost Range Approval
Room: 2347
Request date: 8/11/2023
Requested by: Jennifer Gentile
Contact: Scott Jasper
Construction start: 4/28/2025
Construction end: 10/27/2025
The Psychology Department is looking for estimates to renovate 2347 Full renovation (floor, ceiling, walls, furniture)
LAGOMAR-2441-362378-Chalkboard to Whiteboard
Room: 2441
Request date: 5/13/2024
Requested by: Kathleen Baumgarn
Contact: Brady Streit
Construction start: 6/6/2024
Construction end: 12/5/2024
We would like to cover the chalkboard in Lagomarcino 2441 with Whiteboard material. Gary Puls in the shops will be doing the installation. We are needing help with the selection and ordering of the material. Gary has offered to go to the classroom and measure the chalkboard so this can be ordered soon. Actual installation will occur in late June. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Katie B.
Cost Range Approval
Room: 2446
Request date: 8/11/2023
Requested by: Jennifer Gentile
Contact: Scott Jasper
Construction start: 4/28/2025
Construction end: 10/27/2025
The Psychology Department is looking for estimates to renovate five offices in Lagomarcino Hall. The LAS college will paying for this estimate. 2446 Full renovation (floor, ceiling, walls, furniture The four rooms below were separated off into their own projects. 2347 Full renovation (floor, ceiling, walls, furniture) - PR1176370 2315 Full renovation (floor, ceiling, walls, furniture) - PR1176371 2331 Carpet and ceiling - PR1176372 1432 Carpet and ceiling - PR1176383
LAGOMAR-GENERAL-343310-Braille Sign Replacements
Construction Documents
Room: General
Request date: 2/23/2024
Requested by: Clara Hernandez
Contact: Joseph Stoberl
Construction start: 8/20/2024
Construction end: 2/18/2025
A student submitted a report to our office about incorrect braille signs in Lagomarchino. She shared that the floor signs have inaccurate braille on them and included a photo of the first floor sign. I do not have further information or knowledge about whether there were concerns about other signs or where exactly this sign is located in Lagomarcino.
LAGOMAR-Room 2311-350929-Remodel
Construction Documents
Room: General
Request date: 3/29/2024
Requested by: Jennifer Gentile
Contact: Steven Daniels
Construction start: 9/17/2024
Construction end: 3/18/2025
We have a new faculty member, Han Na Lee, starting in Psychology this fall and we would like estimates to update/renovate a room in Lagomarcino Hall. Han Na will be in town on May 6 and available any time that day to be present for looking at spaces. The room to be updated is Lago 2311 (Office space).