Current Projects in Marston Hall

MARSTON- General-300366-Drainage Improvements
Schematic Design
Room: General
Request date: 8/1/2023
Requested by: John Netwal
Contact: Joseph Stoberl
Construction start: 10/13/2024
Construction end: 4/13/2025
Pearson & Marston: Various Drainage Improvements MIC Approved $65,000 FY24
MARSTON-1300-341347-Couch and Artwork
Project Closeout
Room: 1300
Request date: 2/2/2024
Requested by: Lori Bushore
Contact: Jennifer Warrick
Construction start: 2/20/2024
Construction end: 6/25/2024
We are interested in purchasing a couch for our main office reception area. We are also interested in artwork above the couch.
MARSTON-3200C-356963-Storage Equipment
Project Closeout
Room: 3200C
Request date: 4/28/2024
Requested by: Kate Cossa
Contact: Jennifer Warrick
Construction start:
Construction end:
I need to order some new storage equipment (a 6 + drawer horizontal large cabinet). Would like to see some options and talk to someone.
MARSTON-3300-377085-Computer Classroom
Project Initiation
Room: 3300
Request date: 7/25/2024
Requested by: Benjamin Johns
Contact: Denise Wulf
Construction start: 10/16/2024
Construction end: 4/16/2025
We are looking to repurpose Marston 3300 into a computer classroom. I would love to get some floorplans with possible seating arrangements for this space with priority on maximum seating capacity. My rough estimate would be to have 3-4 rows of tables with computers facing the two exit doors. There is no power/network in the center of the room however, so that will need to be added somehow. Thanks for your input!
MARSTON-4100C-363256-Office Signage
Construction Documents
Room: 4100C
Request date: 5/19/2024
Requested by: Jean Dubberke
Contact: Joseph Stoberl
Construction start: 8/20/2024
Construction end: 2/18/2025
office signage
MARSTON-GENERAL-368768-Wayfinding Signage
Schematic Design
Room: General
Request date: 6/5/2024
Requested by: Kate Cossa
Contact: Joseph Stoberl
Construction start: 10/13/2024
Construction end: 4/13/2025
Wayfinding signage hung from the ceiling to direct to various rooms on our floor. What are the next steps?