Current Projects in Molecular Biology

MOL-BIO- General-280710-Signage
Construction Documents
Room: General
Request date: 5/16/2023
Requested by: Peter Lelonek
Contact: Joseph Stoberl
Construction start: 5/24/2024
Construction end: 11/22/2024
Make and install approximately 17 new or update some existing gray plastic signs with white lettering to improve way finding of Biotech Facilities on ground and first floor. Sign locations and wording is already determined. I need a cost estimate before proceeding.
MOL-BIO-1210M-330063-Carpet Replacement
Project Closeout
Room: 1210M
Request date: 12/15/2023
Requested by: Peter Lelonek
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 1/25/2024
Construction end: 3/28/2024
1210M MBB - Remove existing carpet and replace with new carpet tile. Occupant will remove all exiting furniture before work starts. Existing base is straight and does not need to be replaced.
MOL-BIO-General-335895-Flood Damage Repair
Construction Documents
Room: General
Request date: 1/16/2024
Requested by: Michelle Lenkaitis
Contact: Steven Daniels
Construction start: 5/24/2024
Construction end: 11/22/2024
Flood Damage Repair