Current Projects in State Gymnasium

ST GYM- General-296665-Pool Condensation Investigation
Room: General
Request date: 7/27/2023
Requested by: Garry Greenlee
Contact: Brady Streit
Construction start: 3/5/2024
Construction end: 1/19/2025
John Byerly is familiar with this request. At the State Gym expansion there is what we believe is a condensation/freezing issue where the pool ceiling/roof meets the dry part of the building. This results in a "leak" when the frozen condensation melts and it is a significant amount. Part of this may involve removing some of the wall panels, looking at insulation, roofing and air flow.
ST GYM-0180A-403557-Convert or replace desktop
Room: 0180A
Request date: 11/7/2024
Requested by: Garry Greenlee
Contact: Mitchell Hlavacek
Construction start: 12/4/2024
Construction end: 6/4/2025
State Gym office 0180B needs their desk top to converted or replaced with an elevating desk top.
ST GYM-0220AA-404955-CO2 Tank for Pool Filter Room
Schematic Design
Room: 0220AA
Request date: 11/21/2024
Requested by: Casey Bubke
Contact: Mike McCoy
Construction start: 4/9/2025
Construction end: 10/8/2025
CO2 Tank. I would like to get an estimate for installing and permanent CO2 tank in the State Gym pool filter room like what is currently being used for Beyer Pool for the purpose of balancing water chemistry. Ideally the tank would go into 0220AA which formerly held acid barrels. Penetrations in the ceiling of 0220AA leading to the former fill port on the exterior west side of building still exist.
ST GYM-1180K-411326-office 1180K designed for a new desk system
Construction Documents
Room: 1180K
Request date: 12/31/2024
Requested by: Garry Greenlee
Contact: Rebecca Cantrall
Construction start: 3/13/2025
Construction end: 9/11/2025
Rec Services needs State Gym office 1180K designed for a new desk system. It would include an elevating desktop. We would like our staff person to meet and discuss options for their work space.
ST GYM-1209-350864-Sprinkler System Repairs
Room: 1209
Request date: 3/28/2024
Requested by: Casey Bubke
Contact: Brady Streit
Construction start: 7/17/2024
Construction end: 1/19/2025
Sprinkler System. Rooms: 1201 & 1209. Please get estimate for a dry control valve serving sprinkler heads in vestibules, room numbers: 1201 and 1209. Current sprinkler line is charged "wet "and is prone to freezing, vestibule heaters are undersized for amount of traffic. Need pricing for dry valve to mitigate frozen heads.
ST GYM-2129-403555-Purchase new desk
Room: 2129
Request date: 11/7/2024
Requested by: Garry Greenlee
Contact: Mitchell Hlavacek
Construction start: 12/9/2024
Construction end: 6/9/2025
State Gym office 1180K we are relocating some desk pieces to another office area. I need to replace like for like in this office. Updating to room 2129.