Current Projects in Student Services Building

STD SER- General-252672-Move Pressure Reducing Valve
Construction Documents
Room: General
Request date: 1/18/2023
Requested by: John Netwal
Contact: Mike McCoy
Construction start: 3/4/2025
Construction end: 9/2/2025
Please put together a project to move the PRV in this building from its current location. It is currently in a crawlspace under the building where there is no floor (dirtmud only) making repairs, adjustments, etc. difficultdangerous. I will need a scope and cost for this project only.
STD SER-1032-420748-Standing Desk
Project Initiation
Room: 1032
Request date: 2/5/2025
Requested by: Christi Kampen
Contact: Mitchell Hlavacek
Construction start: 5/17/2025
Construction end: 11/15/2025
I need to order a standing desk for this office to meet an accommodation. I will be moving into this space in mid-April. I have worked with Don Kelling with EH&S for an ergonomic evaluation.
STD SER-3rd Floor-362763-Flooring and Painting
On Hold
Room: General
Request date: 5/17/2024
Requested by: Marcie Cleland
Contact: Denise Wulf
Construction start: 3/4/2025
Construction end: 9/2/2025
Hello, I work at Student Counseling Services and we are wanting to get estimates done and figure out what the process would look like for us to complete the following projects. 1. Changing flooring throughout the entire 3rd floor of Student Services. We are wanting to know what the cost would be if we got carpet everywhere compared to the price of having certain areas tiled as well. We are wanting to match the style of the first floor of Student Services if possible. 2. Patching and painting the entire 3rd floor of Student Services.
STD SER-General-338221-Fire Escape Repairs
Construction Documents
Room: General
Request date: 1/30/2024
Requested by: John Netwal
Contact: John Byerly
Construction start: 3/4/2025
Construction end: 9/2/2025
Fire Escape Repairs - Fire Escape Inspection Report in the LX folder and G Drive folder. Bricks appear to be coming loose below the third-floor landing where the fire escape attaches to the exterior of the building. Have the fire escape inspected by a registered design professional and place particular emphasis on this area. By section 1104.16.5.1 this should be repeated every 5 years.
STD SER-General-385450- Air duct, Vent Cleaning on Various Floors
Project Closeout
Room: General
Request date: 8/28/2024
Requested by: Heather Shafer
Contact: Eric Ohrt
Construction start: 12/3/2024
Construction end: 1/21/2025
Good morning! We need a QUOTE for cleaning the air vents in the Student Services building. The third floor has already had theirs cleaned recently. We would like a quote on cleaning the vents in these areas: East Basement, First floor, Second floor. We are ONLY looking for a quote at this time. Please break the quote up by floor. Thank you!