Memorial Tree

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Type of Memorial

Memorial Tree


Ag Engineering classmates and Vermeer co-workers

In Memoriam

Crall, Jarred 'Tree'


Northeast of Biorenewables Research Laboratory


Jarred 'Tree' Crall: friend, classmate, and life of the party. 1989-2016.

A hard working farm boy from Albia, Iowa, 'Tree' attended Iowa State University studying Agricultural Engineering from 2007-2012. In his time at ISU, Jarred positively impacted so many with his light heartedness and humor. From freshman year on 3rd floor Maple to countless hours in Davidson Hall, Jarred could be counted on to fill any room with laughter. 'Tree' had the biggest heart and lived life to the fullest. His memory will be forever cherished by all of his Ag Engineering classmates.