Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque

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Type of Memorial

Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque

In Memoriam

Wallace, Henry Cantwell


Southwest Central Campus

Plaque Text

"This grove is dedicated to the memory of Henry Cantwell Wallace. May 11, 1866. October 25, 1924. Class of 1892 I.S.C; Assistant Professor of Agriculture in dairying I.S.C. 1893-4; Associate Editor and Editor Wallace's' Farmer 1895-1921. Secretary of Agriculture 1921-4. As editor, he worked for a richer and happier rural life; as Secretary of Agriculture, he provided an economic service for the American farmer; As a Statesman, he led the Vanguard in the battle for equality for agriculture; As prophet, he saw in the fertile lands of the corn belt the bases of a rural civilization finer than any the world has yet known; He died laboring to bring nearer the day of its coming."


This grove includes nine hard maples trees (Black and Sugar Maples). This plaque was dedicated in 1929.