Enrollment Services Center

Official abbreviation: ENRL_SC
Construction Date: 1907
Enrollment Services Center photo
Building Unlocked Hours
Monday7 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday7 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday7 AM - 5 PM
Thursday7 AM - 5 PM
Friday7 AM - 5 PM
These hours don't reflect business hours for offices within the building; see office websites for business hours.
Buildings may also be locked on university holidays.
Latitude: 42.02509
Longitude: -93.64914

3D SketchUp Model from the Trimble Warehouse
Energy / Utility Use
Enrollment Services Center photo
Building Supervisor
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Custodial Service: Area 1

  • 9:55 AM: Collection / Delivery (Room 0014C)
  • 2 PM: Collection only (Room 0014C)
  • 3 PM: Collection only (Room 0014C)

Dumpster collection by Campus Services
  • Tuesday: between 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM
  • Thursday: between 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM

The Enrollment Services Center building has undergone a number of name changes throughout its history. The building was initially named the Christian Association Hall when construction began in 1904. However, the name was soon changed to Alumni Hall in 1905. The Alumni Hall name remained in place for more than 100 years, until it was recently changed to Enrollment Services Center in 2008.

The basement was built with a swimming pool, cafe, and bowling alley. In 1914, after the opening of the State Gymnasium swimming pool, the Alumni Hall pool was replaced with a larger dining room. Also, an addition to the south was built at this time to accommodate a larger kitchen.

In 1928, after the opening of the Memorial Union, the dining room, known as the "College Inn," was replaced with additional study rooms and offices. The Alumni Association also relocated to the new Memorial Union.

Enrollment Services Center was used as the Administration Building for the Naval Training School during World War II. An upper level was added to the south wing at this time to make room for additional dormitories. The Navy moved out in 1944.

After the Navy left, Enrollment Services Center continued to hold the offices of the YMCA and YWCA, in addition to housing about 60 male residents. For many years, the men of Alumni Hall lived as a group much like that of a fraternity. In 1985, Iowa State University acquired ownership of the building from the Alumni Hall board of directors, who were unable to fund the $3 million renovation necessary to prevent further deterioration of the exterior. The male residents were relocated when the Board of Regents converted Enrollment Services Center to a complex for student services.

On the National Register of Historic Places since 1966, the Enrollment Services Center now houses the Office of Admissions and the Office of the Registrar.