Zero-Waste Team Volunteer Form

FPM Recycling Services is looking for faculty, staff, students, and others who are passionate about recycling, sustainability, and committed to helping the university reduce its waste footprint as volunteers to join its zero-waste volunteer team.

This is a sign-up form for faculty, staff, students, and friends of Iowa State University to volunteer at events to drive our zero-waste goal movement on campus.

Possible duties for individuals who wish to volunteer and ideally can perform one or more of these tasks (check all that apply)

Zero-waste team needs volunteers who have:

  • Interest in recycling, composting, and waste reduction
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to commit at least 3-4 hours of their time
  • Ability to take part in at least two zero-waste events per month (or as needed)
  • Ability to participate in little to moderate physical activities (not compulsory)

Role on Campus * Required field

Zero-Waste Events Volunteer Opportunities