Utility Services provides electricity, heating, and cooling to university buildings on campus. The primary resource units are directly
charged for the electricity, heating, and cooling utilities consumed within the building space they occupy. Utility rates for each of
these utility services are established during the budget development cycle for the upcoming fiscal year (typically in February) and
remain fixed throughout the fiscal year.
FY25 Rates
Steam per 1000 pounds
Electricity per KWH
Chilled Water per ton-hour
Water per 1000 gal
Sewer per 1000 gal
Water/Sewer per 1000 gal
Natural Gas per 100 cubic feet
Fiscal Year
Steam per 1000 pounds
Electricity per KWH
Chilled Water per ton-hour
Water per 1000 gal
Sewer per 1000 gal
Water/Sewer per 1000 gal
Natural Gas per 100 cubic feet
Portable Electrical Distribution Equipment
Utility Services rents a variety of receptable devices, cables, cords and generators for use with outdoor events held by Iowa State
University recognized student, faculty, or staff organizations.
Rental Rates
Receptable devices
Ampacity Rating
Student Rate
Non-student Rate
Gull Wing 200A Panel
20 amp
6 each
Gull Wing 200A Panel
50 amp
5 each
Gull Wing 200A Panel
100 amp
1 each
Gull Wing 200A Panel
200 amp
1 each
Gull Wing 50A Distribution Box
20 amp
6 each
Portable Power Panel 200 amp three-phase
20 amp
7 each
Portable Power Panel 200 amp three-phase
50 amp
1 each
Portable Power Panel 100 amp three-phase
20 amp
11 each
Small Ground Box
20 amp
4 each
Medium Ground Box
20 amp
4 each
Large Ground Box
20 amp
6 each
Large Ground Box
30 amp
2 each
Large Ground Box
50 amp
1 each
Small Power Reel
20 amp
4 each
Small Power Reel
30 amp
1 each
Medium Power Reel
20 amp
4 each
Large Power Reel
20 amp
6 each
Cables and Extension Cords
Student Rate
Non-student Rate
400 amp generator cables with cam-locks, 50 foot by 4 cords
100 amp generator cables with cam-locks, 50 foot by 4 cords
50 amp 4 conductor 100 foot cable with twist lock plug and receptable
50 amp 4 conductor 50 foot cable with twist lock plug and receptable
50 amp 4 conductor adapter to 100 amp cam-locks
20 amp 50 foot 12/3 extension cord
20 amp 100 foot 12/3 extension cord
30 amp 50 foot 10/3 extension cord
30 amp 100 foot 10/3 extension cord
Portable Generators
Utility Services rents portable electric generators for a variety of needs.
Rental is restricted to Iowa State University use only.
Contact utilities@iastate.edu for information.
Small Generators
Small generators available for rental are gasoline units that can be transported by most any vehicle.
Typical uses for small sound systems or limited catering equipment in remote locations where other power is not available.
Connection to the equipment is by standard extension cords.
All rates assume the equipment is kept by the user for one day, overnight, or over a weekend.
The use of small generators is restricted to approved Iowa State University events and affiliated groups.
Rental Rate
Pickup/Return to Utility Services (during normal business hours)
This generator is a portable, diesel engine unit rated at 300 kilowatts on a triple-axel trailer that requires delivery by Utilities staff
with appropriate space to park and set-up for service. The use of the generator is restricted to Iowa State University facilities and
approved affiliated events. Typical uses would be locations where other power sources are not available or to provide power to a
building during an interruption of normal electrical service. Connection to this generator requires approved distribution equipment
be rented from Utilities or provided by the user.
Rental Rate
Base Rental Rate (includes 400 kilowatt hours of operation and fuel costs)
Temporary Cable Set Rental (4 each 50 foot cables)
$120 per set
Run charges 400 - 700 kilowatt hours
$.75 per kilowatt hour used between 400 and 700
Run charges 700 to 1000 kilowatt hours
$.50 per kilowatt hour used between 700 and 1000
Run charges over 1000 kilowatt hours
$.25 per kilowatt hour
The following are billed for generator rental on a time and material basis:
Set-up and tear down required activities by Utilities staff consisting of delivery and removal of generator to site, setting up the
generator grounding system, connection of the temporary cables at both ends, placing the generator battery charger and/or block
heaters into operation, programming/set-up of the generator controls and breaker, testing the generator for proper operation and
providing operating instructions to the renter.
Delivery and pickup of temporary cables to the site.
If not provided by the renter the installing and removing of the temporary cables by Utilities staff between the generator and the
loads being served.
Other requested work associated with generator usage shall be charged on a time and material basis as site conditions require.
Examples of this are as follows:
Any other setup or cleanup of materials used as part of the rental.
Requests to have stand-by staff or equipment operators on-site.
Any and all damages to generator, cables and other materials required.
The cost of providing and setting up portable lighting.