Campus Landscape Maps

The Planning Services division of FPM maintains the Campus Landscape Maps and a Campus Plant Inventory of the plantings on Iowa State University's campus. The maps and inventory are provided here for those interested in the plant collections on campus.

Campus Landscape Map Key

The Campus Landscape Map Key divides the campus into sixty six smaller map sections. Each map section records the species, location, and approximate canopy size of the trees and shrubs in that portion of campus. Individual map sections can be opened by clicking on a map number on the Map Key. The Campus Plant Inventory spreadsheet can also be opened from the Map Key by clicking inside the marked area.

Campus Plant Inventory

The Campus Plant Inventory spreadsheet catalogues, by map section, the quantity of each plant species growing on campus. The Inventory is divided into tabs for Canopy-Understory, Evergreen Trees, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials. Individual map section drawings can be opened by clicking on the appropriate map number in the column headings. Hovering over the column heading prior to clicking on it will display a building name or campus area located in that map section.

We strive to produce complete and accurate maps; however some plants' labels may be incorrect or incomplete. At the present time, drawings and inventory information for sections 53 (Southwest Athletic Complex) and 59 (Reiman Gardens) are not available. Please help us improve the accuracy of our maps if you know of misidentified or mislabeled plants. Corrections can be marked on a copy of the appropriate map and emailed to

Tips for using the Campus Landscape Maps and Plant Inventory

Campus Landscape Map Section Index

The following are links to the various landscape maps, and the major buildings and features on each one for reference.

Plant Map # Buildings / Features
Plant-00 Schilletter-University Village
Plant-01 Schilletter-University Village Community Center
Schilletter-University Village
ISU Family Resource Center
UV Maintenance / Storage Shop
Plant-02 EH&S Services Building
Library Storage Facility
Plant-03 Extension 4-H Youth Building
Administrative Services Building
Plant-04 Frederiksen Court Community Center
Frederiksen Court Buildings 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24
Plant-05 Frederiksen Court Buildings 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 51, 52, 53
Plant-06 Frederiksen Court Buildings 41, 42, 43, 61, 62, 63, 71, 72, 73, 74, 81, 82, 83
Firemanship Training
Transportation Vehicle Storage
Transportation Services
Plant-07 Lot 112N
Plant-08 ISU Cemetery
Plant-09 (none)
Plant-10 Roy J. Carver Co-Laboratory
Ames Lab Warehouse
Ames Lab Mechanical Maintenance Building
Ames Lab Maintenance Shops Building
Plant-11 Communications Building
Molecular Biology
Metals Development
Plant-12 Ames Lab Paint & Air Conditioning
Ames Lab Construction Storage Building
Printing and Publications Building
North Campus Chilled Water Plant
Genetics Laboratory
Insectary & Greenhouse
Plant-13 (none)
Plant-14 Town Engineering Building
College of Design
King Pavilion
Plant-15 Armory
Hach Hall
Plant-16 Spedding Hall
Technical & Administrative Services Facility
Gilman Hall
Office & Lab Building
Wilhelm Hall
Zaffarno Physics Addition
Physics Hall
Plant-17 Science Hall
Science Hall II
Lagomarcino Hall
Plant-18 Kildee Hall
Meats Laboratory
Horse Barn
Iowa Farm Bureau Pavilion
Seed Science
Ruminant Nutrition Lab
National Swine Center
National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment
Crop Genome Informatics Laboratory
Plant-19 Forestry Greenhouse
Plant Path Greenhouse
USDA Greenhouse
Agronomy Greenhouse
Plant-20 Cooling Tower
Plant-21 CyRide
Plant-22 Coover Hall
Sweeney Hall
Plant-23 Snedecor Hall
Atanasoff Hall
Durham Center
Parks Library
Morrill Hall
Plant-24 Human Nutrition Sciences Building
Lebaron Hall
MacKay Hall
Palmer HDFS Building
Carrie Chapman Catt Hall
Plant-25 Bessey Hall
Horticulture Hall
Horticulture Greenhouse
Jischke Honors Building
Farm House Museum
Troxel Hall
Plant-26 Agronomy Hall
Landscape Architecture
Hamilton Hall
Plant-27 General Services Building
Vehicle Storage
Power Plant
Plant-28 Howe Hall
Elings Hall
Sukup Hall
Biorenewables Research Laboratory
Plant-29 Beyer Hall
Thielen Student Health Center
Plant-30 Black Engineering Building
Hoover Hall
Laboratory of Mechanics
Marston Water Tower
Plant-31 Marston Hall
Pearson Hall
Beardshear Hall
Plant-32 Campanile
Plant-33 Curtiss Hall
Ross Hall
Sloss House
Gerdin Business Building
Plant-34 Heady Hall
East Hall
Food Sciences Building
East Campus Parking Deck
Plant-35 Forker Building
Plant-36 Lied Recreation/Athletic Center
Plant-37 Lied Recreation Fields
Plant-38 State Gymnasium
Gordon P. Eaton Hall
Martin Hall
Plant-39 Union Drive Community Center
Helser Hall
Friley Hall
Plant-40 Student Services Building
Enrollment Services Center
Carver Hall
Music Hall
Plant-41 Lake Laverne
Plant-42 Memorial Union
Memorial Union Parking Ramp
Plant-43 Knoll
Plant-44 Lyon Hall
Roberts Hall
Welch Hall
Birch Hall
Barton Hall
Freeman Hall
Plant-45 Linden Hall
Hixson-Lied Student Success Center
Elm Hall
Oak Hall
Plant-46 Maple Hall
Larch Hall
Willow Hall
Maple-Willow-Larch Commons
Plant-47 Maple Willow Larch Recreation Fields
Plant-48 Buchanan Hall
Goeffroy Hall
Plant-49 Fisher Theater
Scheman Building
Stephens Auditorium
Plant-50 Hilton Coliseum
Plant-51 Campbell Transit Hub
Alumni Center
Plant-52 ISU Visitor Information Booth
Plant-54 North Arboretum
Southwest Recreation Complex
Plant-54 South Cross-Country Track
Plant-55 Wallace Hall
Wilson Hall
Knapp-Storms Dining Complex
Wallace-Wilson Commons
Plant-56 (none)
Plant-57 Towers Recreation Fields
Cyclone Sports Complex
Plant-58 Bergstrom Indoor Training Facility
Olsen Building
Jacobson Athletic Building
Jack Trice Stadium
Reiman Gardens Maintenance Building
Plant-59 Reiman Garden Conservatory
Mahlstede Center
Hunziker Garden House
Plant-60 Veterinary Medical Research Institute Buildings
Plant-61 ISU Child Care Center at Veterinary Medicine
Cooling Tower
Plant-62 Veterinary Medical Research Institute Buildings
Livestock Infectious Disease Isolation Facility
Plant-63 College of Veterinary Medicine
Plant-64 ISU Research Park
Plant-65 Applied Science Complex 1-4