Banner Program
Authorization Process
All banners must be authorized by the University Architect and the University Marketing Director prior to designing and approved prior to fabricating and installing.
To hang banners inside a building that can be seen from the outside or temporary banners on the outside of your building for celebratory messages:
- Fill out the Banner / Signage Authorization form and return to the Office of the University Architect as indicated on the form.
- Banner design should follow the brand standard in the University Marketing Promotional Toolkit and must be approved by University Marketing before production.
To install marketing/branding, artwork, or graphics on the inside of a building within public spaces (e.g., corridors, lobbies, etc.), or that can be seen from the outside, contact the Office of University Marketing. The University Marketing Director and the University Architect are responsible for approving such requests.
Only viable teaching tools such as the Periodic Table of Elements, maps, etc. are permitted within General University Classrooms and Auditoriums. Installation of banners, donor signage/plaques, marketing/branding, artwork, or graphics are not permitted. Contact Dan Sloan, University Architect, for inquiries or clarifications.