Capital Planning

Capital Planning Process

Projects for new facilities or alterations of existing facilities may require pre-planning to determine or validate the space and facility requirements, assess the adequacy of existing facilities, and determine how to best meet the needs of the university unit. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, planning can be accomplished by Planning Services, with either in-house staff or with the assistance of a consultant under contract and the establishment of a formal planning committee of stakeholders.

A Project Initiation Request should be submitted to FPM to begin the process. Projects are required to follow the required university and Board of Regent approvals. Prior to those approvals, the project first requires review by the Capital Project Advisory Committee (CPAC) and approval by the president. The specific project submittals for CPAC review and approval by the president depends on the type of work and project budget. University capital construction project approvals have a detailed process which is outlined through the Division of Operations and Finance. FPM Planning Services will assist university units with the development of the required CPAC submittals.

CPAC Project Initiation Request

CPAC Project Description and Budget

Five-Year Capital Plan

The Five-Year Capital Plan is developed annually at the request of the Board of Regents. This plan is submitted to the Board Office in June for review and approval at the September meeting.

The submission includes a summary of projects anticipated to be initiated within the designated five-year timeframe. Projects that will be funded by sources other than state appropriations are listed, identifying funding by year and fund type. In addition, a list of prioritized projects requesting state appropriations is developed for general fund buildings, focusing on academic, fire, environmental safety and deferred maintenance needs. Detailed information regarding projects scope, programmatic need, size, schedule, project cost and funding source by year is provided for these projects.