Space Planning

Space Planning is responsible for facilitating, conducting, and implementing space planning efforts to meet the programmatic space needs and priorities of the university. These efforts are integrated with the Campus Master Plan, and the plans of the administration, members of the university community, and Facilities Planning and Management.

We provide information to assist and guide decision-making related to space utilization and allocation to meet institutional goals and optimize facility resources through reuse, repurpose, renovation, or new construction. Efforts include responding to client needs by developing building feasibility studies and building programs, defining goals, assessing space needs, coordinating with client groups, evaluating alternative solutions, and defining project scope, budgets, and schedules.

Space Assessments and Feasibility Studies

At the request of a client group or the administration, Space Planning staff conduct space assessments and studies by gathering information through interviews, physical tours of the space, use of the current space inventory, utilization reports, space standards, and benchmarking. We articulate the goals, define outcomes, compile and translate needs into space requirements, develop and analyze options, and estimate costs and schedules.

Studies vary in size, complexity, goals, and outcomes. Our staff conducts the space assessments and studies in-house, or leads the efforts when outside consultants are involved.

Planning and Programming

In the early stages of a project, we help define goals as they relate to space and develop programmatic space needs. This involves consulting with the client group regarding current space utilization, future needs, and functional spatial relationships.

Serving as a liaison between FPM and the client group, we help transition the project from the planning phase to the implementation phase, carrying through the established goals and priorities of the initial program into the design phase.