Day and Time Sequences

The university uses standard time and day combinations to maximize utilization of university classroom space, and to allow students to schedule classes back to back and minimize scheduling conflicts. Conforming to Standard Day and Time Procedures is required when using either a general university classroom or a departmental room. This requirement should also apply to online-only courses.

Standard Time Sequences

A simple rule is to follow the standard Monday/Wednesday/Friday sequence for 50-minute classes and Tuesday/Thursday for 75-minute classes. The Time Sequence Table lists acceptable day and time combinations that must be adhered to by all departments, including four and five day combinations, when scheduling a class. The following points need to be adhered to:

  • Any course (e.g., laboratory, combination and studio class) using a departmental room should follow the standard day and time combinations.
  • Arranged courses in non-departmental rooms changing to a meeting time after the semester starts may be allowed to schedule a non-standard time with permission of the enrolled students and Room Scheduling.
  • There are no standardized times for classes meeting on Saturday or starting at 6:00 pm or later.
  • 500-600 level courses not dual-listed with a 300 or 400-level course and of 34 or less should follow the standard day and time combinations.
  • Courses meeting for extended times and using general university classrooms must be scheduled at 3:10 pm or later on Monday/Wednesday/Friday or 3:30 pm or later on Tuesday/Thursday.

Time Sequence

Mon/Wed/Fri - 50 minutes

Start End
7:45 am 8:35 am
8:50 am 9:40 am
9:55 am 10:45 am
11:00 am 11:50 am
12:05 pm 12:55 pm
1:10 pm 2:00 pm
2:15 pm 3:05 pm
3:20 pm 4:10 pm
4:25 pm 5:15 pm
5:30 pm 6:20 pm

Tue/Thu - 75 minutes

Start End
8:00 am 9:15 am
9:30 am 10:45 am
11:00 am 12:15 pm
12:40 pm 1:55 pm
2:10 pm 3:25 pm
3:40 pm 4:55 pm
4:10 pm 5:25 pm

The time sequences are the times assigned to classes, so if a class is offered Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 7:45-8:35 am, that is the amount of time allowed for the class meeting. The lecture can not go beyond this 50-minute time period because it is then cutting into the passing time, which will cause problems for students who need to get to an 8:50 am class and will not allow the next class to start on time. Conforming to this procedure is required to allow enough time for classes to move in and out of rooms in a timely manner. There is a 15 minute passing time between classes. This time is to be shared by the faculty and students that meet back-to-back in the same room, allowing time for the first class to vacate the classroom and allowing the other class time to enter and faculty to set up.

To confirm the time of your class and passing time, refer to the Schedule of Classes.

Secondary Standard Time Sequences

It is recommended that an update to the current standard days/times policy be updated to reflect a Secondary Standard Day and Time guideline. This policy would apply to courses offered TR for 50 minutes in a multiple day offering, such as MTWR, MTRF, MWRF.... These days and times are being introduced to assist with the scheduling of multiple day courses, which will help students with build a schedule with less conflicts, improve the process for managing course offerings by the departments, and improve location scheduling for these courses.

Courses of all sizes could request the use of these days and times, but the final approval would be at the discretion of the Room Scheduling office based upon room resource availability.

TR - 50 minutes

Start End
7:45 am 8:35 am
8:50 am 9:40 am
9:55 am 10:45 am
11:00 am 11:50 am
12:05 pm 12:55 pm
1:10 pm 2:00 pm
2:15 pm 3:05 pm
3:20 pm 4:10 pm
4:25 pm 5:15 pm
5:30 pm 6:20 pm

Courses offered as Labs, Studios, IS... on T or R for 2 hours or more, should use the standard days and times currently used for TR courses.

Non-Standard Time Sequences

Non-standard time sequences must be approved by the Office of the Registrar and Room Scheduling. If approved, due to inefficient use of limited classroom resources and complications for students trying to put a schedule together, these classes may be scheduled in less desirable facilities to minimize the loss of opportunities for classes that comply with the standard time and day combinations.

Summer Classes

For three-credit lecture/recitation courses meeting eight weeks, the standard 60 minute class period with a ten minute passing time provides for the required 300 minutes per week.

Typical summer class time sequence

Start End
7:30 am 8:30 am
8:40 am 9:40 am
9:50 am 10:50 am
11:00 am 12:00 pm
12:10 pm 1:10 pm
1:20 pm 2:20 pm
2:30 pm 3:30 pm
3:40 pm 4:40 pm

Courses meeting for a three-hour block of time may use a non-standard start time if the course starts and ends in the morning, or starts and ends after noon. For questions, e-mail

Finals / Night Exams

Contact your Departmental Office for location and the Office of the Registrar for time for final and night exams.