- Download electronic documents below
- Obtain printed copies from Iowa State Printing Services
- Examine at Plan Room (see project for list of plan holders)
- Email plans@iastate.edu to be added to plan holders list
Project Bid Dates
Projects Above $100,000
Bidding Documents
Bid Submission
- Bids must be submitted prior to 2:01 PM on bid date
- Submit bids electronically through Bid Express
- Refer to "Instructions to Bidders" in the project manual for bid submission requirements
State Gymnasium-Front Entry-Improvements
Prebid Meeting: 1/29/2025 11:00:00 AM
Prebid location: State Gymnasium-Front Entry-Improvements prebid: via WebEx
Tours: 1/29/2025 10:00 AM and 2/6/2025 10:00 AM
Bid date: 2/13/2025
State Gymnasium-Front Entry-Improvements Bid opening online
Substantial completion: August 8, 2025
Cost estimate: $506,000
TSB goal: 10%
Project manager: David Blum
Construction manager:
Mick McBride
Design Professional: Kylee Hulet, 515-499-2060
Bid Documents
Plan Holders
General Services Building-AHU12-Replacement
Prebid Meeting: 2/6/2025 2:00:00 PM
Prebid location: General Services Building-AHU12-Replacement prebid: via WebEx
Tours: 2/6/2025 1:00 PM and 2/13/2025 1:00 PM
Bid date: 2/20/2025
General Services Building-AHU12-Replacement Bid opening online
Substantial completion: 150 days (Approximately August 3, 2025)
Cost estimate: $165,000
TSB goal: 10%
Project manager: Hayley Sandholm
Construction manager:
Troy Chandler
Design Professional: Chuck Heldenbrand, 515-250-1440
Plan Holders
Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center-Large Animal Ward 3-Expansion
Prebid Meeting: 2/6/2025 11:00:00 AM
Tours: 2/6/2025 10:00 AM and 2/13/2025 10:00 AM
Bid date: 2/20/2025
Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center-Large Animal Ward 3-Expansion Bid opening online
Substantial completion: 578 days (Approximately October 5, 2026)
Cost estimate: $8,690,000
TSB goal: 10%
Project manager: Mark Grief
Construction manager:
Troy Chandler
Design Professional: Hoang Tran, 515-865-1807
Bid Documents
Plan Holders
Administrative Services Building-First and Second Floor-Remodel
Prebid Meeting: 2/12/2025 9:30:00 AM
Tours: 2/12/2025 8:30 AM and 2/18/2025 10:00 AM
Bid date: 2/25/2025
Administrative Services Building-First and Second Floor-Remodel Bid opening online
Substantial completion: June 30, 2025
Cost estimate: $924,000
TSB goal: 10%
Project manager: Mark Grief
Construction manager:
Nathan Graves
Design Professional: Steven Daniels, 515-290-1967
Bid Documents
Plan Holders
CYTown-Parking and Infrastructure Improvements-Parking Lot B5
Prebid Meeting: 2/17/2025 1:00:00 PM
Tour: 2/17/2025 Following Prebid Meeting
Bid date: 2/27/2025
CYTown-Parking and Infrastructure Improvements-Parking Lot B5 Bid opening online
Substantial completion: August 15, 2025
Cost estimate: $597,000
TSB goal: 10%
Project manager: Angela Solberg
Construction manager:
Nathan Graves
Design Professional: Brandon Niebuhr, 515-964-2020
Bid Documents
Plan Holders
Projects Under $100,000
Bid Submission
- Bids must be submitted prior to 4:00 PM on bid date
- Submit bids by emailing spbids@iastate.edu
- Refer to "Instructions to Bidders" in the project manual for bid submission requirements
Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center-Rooms 1880 and 1884-Remodel
Prebid Meeting: 2/4/2025 1:00:00 PM
Prebid location: Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center - Room 1880
Tour: Immediately following Prebid
Bid Date: 2/10/2025
Final Completion: July 31, 2025
Cost Estimate: $81,800
Project Manager:
Amy Tremain
Construction Manager:
Amy Tremain
Design Professional: ISU - FDC Steven Daniels, 515-290-1967