Memorial Inventory

This inventory records the landscape memorials on the Iowa State campus that recognize many different people, from university presidents, to professors, to students; highlight an historic event; or remember an Iowa State graduating class. View their locations on the Online Campus Map by turning on the "Memorials/Markers" layer.

Donor / In Memoriam Memorial / Marker Type Location
In memoriam of Moen, Carlton T.
Memorial Tree & Rock Plaque Memorial Schilletter University Village Playground
Elevation Marker US Coast & Geodetic Survey Marker Northwest corner of cemetery
Donated by Iowa State University Retirees
Flagpole Cemetery Flagpole Middle of Cemetery
Donated by Iowa State University Retirees
Gateway Cemetery Gateway Southeast entrance to cemetery
In memoriam of Founding of Iowa State College
Rock Plaque Memorial Southwest of Communications Building
In memoriam of Town, George R.
Building Plaque Memorial Town Engineering
Sculpture Civil Engineer Teaching Sculpture West side of Town Engineering
Innovative Baler Historical Sign Southwest of Davidson Hall
First Ag Engineering Degree Historical Sign Southeast of Davidson Hall
Pure Uranium Historical Sign North of Wilhelm Hall
Class of 1919
Plaza Class Gift West of Atanasoff Hall
Class of 1906
Bench Class Gift East side of Parks Library
Class of 2003
Morrill Hall Entryway Class Gift East Entrance to Morrill Hall
Chemical Analysis Innovation Historical Sign South of Gilman Hall
Birthplace of the Computer Historical Sign South of Physics Hall
Donated by Office of the President
In memoriam of Terri Kruse
Memorial Tree Memorial South of the Knoll
First Veterinary Medicine College Historical Sign South of Lagomarcino Hall
Donated by Animal Sciences Students
In memoriam of Kildee, H. H.
Building Plaque Memorial West of Kildee Hall
A Faster Fax Historical Sign Southeast of Coover Hall
Donated by IEEE, Student Chapter
In memoriam of Coover, Mervin Sylvester
Building Plaque Coover Hall Building Plaque East side of Coover Hall
First Statistical Laboratory Historical Sign North of Snedecor Hall
Donated by John Pritchard
In memoriam of Daniel Pritchard
Table Memorial
Class of 1958
In memoriam of MacKay, Catherine
Building Plaque Class Gift South side of Mackay Hall
Largest Grant Wood Murals Historical Sign Southeast corner of Parks Library
In memoriam of Snedecor, George Waddel
Building Plaque Memorial North Entrance to Snedecor Hall
Class of 1970
Landscaping Class Gift Northeast side of Parks Library
Donated by Phi Kappa Phi
Sculpture Left Sided Angel Southeast side of Parks Library
In memoriam of Parks, Robert William and Ellen Sorge
Building Plaque Memorial South side of Parks Library
Class of 1891
Fountain Class Gift Fountain in Front of Motor Station
First Land-Grant Home Economics College Historical Sign North of Mackay Hall
First Artist-in-Residence Historical Sign South of Mackay Hall
Class of 1951
Fountain Class Gift South of Mackay Hall
Class of 1989
Light Post Class Gift Between Marston and Beardshear Halls
Class of 1969
Plaza Class Gift Marston/Pearson Plaza
In memoriam of Budd, J.L.
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial North Central Campus
In memoriam of Pammel, Louis Hermann
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial North Central Campus
In memoriam of Catt, Carrie Lane Chapman
Plaza Memorial South of Catt Hall
Class of 1916
Bench Class Gift North Central Campus
Class of 1916
Bench Class Gift East of Morrill Hall
In memoriam of Stanton, Dr. Edgar Williams
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial North Central Campus
Class of 1916
Bench Class Gift North Central Campus
Class of 1910
Bench Class Gift North Central Campus
Class of 1958
In memoriam of Marston, Anson
Building Plaque Class Gift East side of Marston Hall
Donated by Industrial Design Department
In memoriam of Will Prindle
Bench Memorial Troxel Hall - north and south entrances
Class of 1920
In memoriam of Gue, Benjamin F.
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Class Gift North Central Campus
Birthplace of Cooperative Extension Historical Sign North of Curtiss Hall
Donated by ISU Horticulture Club
In memoriam of Yoder, John (Jack)
Memorial Tree & Rock Plaque Memorial South Side of Horticulture Hall
In memoriam of Myers, Jeff; Laura Vernon; Brian Vincent
Rock Plaque Memorial Cyclone Sports Complex, north side of main entrance
Class of 2002
Arbor Class Gift East side of Farm House
Plaque Farm House Historical Landmark South side of Farm House
In memoriam of Agronomy Faculty, Staff and Students
Seating Area Memorial Agronomy Hall Courtyard
Plaque Farm House Museum South side of Farm House
In memoriam of Jim Krafft
Exercise Area Memorial East of Beyer Hall
First Water Tower Historical Sign East side of Water Tower
Plaque Marston Water Tower Water Tower
First Land-Grant Historical Sign North of Beardshear
Donated by Tau Beta Pi
In memoriam of Tau Beta Pi
Plaza Memorial East of Marston Hall
Class of 1914
In memoriam of Pearson, R.A.
Building Plaque Class Gift East of Pearson Hall
Class of 1977 & 1981
Plaza Class Gift West side of Beardshear
Class of 1957
Building Plaque Class Gift East side of Beardshear Hall
Commemorative Tree Liberty Tree Northeast of Campanile
In memoriam of Cade, Ginger
Tree Memorial South of Knapp-Storms complex
Donated by Mark P. Widrlechner
In memoriam of Dragula, Sharon K.
Memorial Tree Memorial West of Gerdin Business Building
Class of 1958
Bench Class Gift East of Beardshear Hall
Class of 1991 & 1996
Plaza Class Gift South of Pearson Hall.
Commemorative Tree Southeast of Marston Hall
Largest Student-Organized Festival Historical Sign South Central Campus
Campaniling Historical Sign Campanile
In memoriam of Hansen, Cynthia
Bench Memorial West of Curtiss Hall
Class of 1886
In memoriam of Welch, Dr. A.S.
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Class Gift Central Campus, north of flagpole
Class of 1876
Flagpole Class Gift Central Campus, by flagpole
Class of 1906 &1907
Flagpole Class Gift North Central Campus
Donated by American Society of Landscape Architects
Rock Plaque ASLA Centennial Medallion West side of Curtiss Hall
Donated by Bob and Eileen Martin and Family
Bench Martin Family Bench South of Campanile
Class of 1916
Bench Class Gift Southwest Central Campus
Class of 1957
In memoriam of Curtiss, C.F.
Building Plaque Class Gift West steps of Curtiss Hall
Class of 1949
University Sign Class Gift East of intersection of Lincoln Way and Sheldon Ave.
Vet Med Class of 2011
Tree Class Gift West of Vet Med
Donated by Hudson Family
In memoriam of Hudson, Harry
Memorial Tree Memorial West of Memorial Union
Donated by Schumacher Family
In memoriam of Schumacher, Ken
Memorial Planting Memorial West side of Central Campus
In memoriam of Wynn, W.H., AM, PHD
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial Central Campus, east of Beardshear Hall
In memoriam of Beardshear, Dr. William M.
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial Central Campus, south of flagpole
In memoriam of Wallace, Henry Cantwell
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial Southwest Central Campus
Class of 1940, 1942 & 1987
Building Plaque Class Gift Campanile
In memoriam of Bessey, Dr. Charles E.
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial East of Campanile
In memoriam of Stalker, Dr. Millikan
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial Southwest Central Campus
Class of 1964
Building Plaque Class Gift West Linden Hall
Class of 1963
Building Plaque Class Gift East Linden Hall
Class of 1949
University Sign Class Gift South of Linden Hall
Class of 1983
Iowa State Center Marquee Class Gift Hilton Coliseum
In memoriam of Boyer, Joanna
Memorial Tree Memorial South-east lawn of Barton Hall
In memoriam of Borlaug, Norman E.
Memorial Tree & Rock Plaque Memorial North of Curtiss Hall
In memoriam of Ross, Earle D.
Building Plaque Memorial Northwest side of Ross Hall
In memoriam of Knapp, Dr. Seaman A.
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial North of Curtiss Hall
Donated by Alpha Delta Pi
In memoriam of Alpha Delta Pi
Plaza Memorial North of the Sloss House
Finest Blue Cheese Historical Sign West of Food Science Building
Rock Plaque Uranium Production East of Food Science Building
In memoriam of Crandall, June E. and Janine F. Hudson
Sculpture Memorial Forker Hall
Class of 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923
Columns Class Gift Intersection of Union Dr. and Sheldon Ave.
In memoriam of Eaton, Gordon P.
Building Plaque Memorial East of Eaton Hall
In memoriam of McComas, Dave
Tree Planting Memorial SW of Parks Library, SE of Durham Center
In memoriam of Thompson, Bruce
Bench Memorial East of the Applied Science Complex II main entrance
Donated by Campus Services
Commemorative Tree North of Enrollment Services
In memoriam of Martin, Archie A. and Nancy C.
Building Plaque Memorial East of Martin Hall
Donated by Lane, W.G.
Gateway Clyde Williams Field Gateway
In memoriam of Teoh, Tze Yen
Memorial Tree & Rock Plaque Memorial East side of Friley Hall
Class of 1961
In memoriam of Carver, George Washington
Building Plaque Class Gift North side of Carver Hall
Memorial Tree & Rock Plaque Iowa Academy of Science Centennial East side of Music Hall
Class of 1980, 1988, 1995, 1999
Lake Laverne Restoration Class Gift NE corner of Lake Laverne
Rock Plaque Lake LaVerne Swans North side of Lake LaVerne
In memoriam of Noyes, Dr. LaVerne W.
Rock Plaque Memorial East side of Lake LaVerne
In memoriam of Lindahl, Charles B. PhD
Bench Memorial South side of Lake LaVerne
Class of 1989
Light Post Class Gift Southwest side of Lake LaVerne
Elevation Marker US Coast & Geodetic Survey Marker Southwest side of Lake LaVerne
Donated by Linn Family
In memoriam of Linn Family
Bench Memorial South side of Lake LaVerne
Class of 1923
Fountain Class Gift North of Memorial Union
Class of 1916
Bench Class Gift East side of Knoll
Class of 1947, 1952
Sculpture Class Gift South of Oak and Elm Halls
Donated by ISU Veterans Club
In memoriam of Vietnam Veterans
Memorial Tree & Rock Plaque Memorial North of Memorial Union
Class of 1946, 1947, 1948, 1998
Fountain Class Gift North of Memorial Union
Flagpole Memorial Union Flagpole Northeast side of Memorial Union
In memoriam of World War I Veterans
Grove Memorial & Rock Plaque Memorial South of Memorial Union
Donated by Girton, Jack and Lois
In memoriam of Girton, Darrel Dean
Rock Plaque Memorial Sorth of the Knoll
Lincoln Highway marker Lincoln Highway Marker Southwest corner of Beach Ave. and Lincoln Way
Donated by Phi Kappa Phi
In memoriam of Phi Kappa Phi
Rock Plaque Memorial North of Scheman
Class of 1922
Grove & Rock Plaque Class Gift North of Hilton Coliseum
Donated by Wendt, Nancy and Dick
Gateway Southwest Athletic Complex Gateway Main Entrance to Athletic Complex
In memoriam of Vander Weyden, Dan
Gate Entrance Memorial North Gate to Track & Field
In memoriam of Vander Linden, Bob
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial North of Track & Field
In memoriam of Maney, Thomas J.
Seating Area Memorial North side of Cross Country Course
Bridge ISU Arboretum Bridge Northeast corner of Cross Country Course
In memoriam of Hoak, Harry
Bridge Memorial Northeast corner of Cross Country Course
In memoriam of Verbeeck, Bob and Heidi T.
Bridge Memorial Northwest corner of Cross Country Course
In memoriam of Miller, Bob
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial South of ISU track along Cross Country Course
In memoriam of Kitchell, Michael J., MD and Mary M. Kitchell
Rock Plaque Memorial Northwest corner of Mortensen Rd and Hayward Ave.
Victory Bell Victory Bell Northwest of Olsen Building
Statue Jack Trice Plaza Northeast of Olsen Building
In memoriam of Hayes, Dr. Isaac
Bench Memorial Vet Med Plaza
Vet Med Class of 1994
Plaza Class Gift Vet Med (east)
In memoriam of Power, Ty Colton
Golf Hole Information Sign Memorial 16th Tee Box (Veenker Golf Course)
In memoriam of Cross Country Plane Crash Victims (Cross Country Course)
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial North of Shelter on Cross Country Course
Donated by ISU Letterwinners Club
Column Honor Before Victory Plaque Northeast entrance to Jack Trice Stadium
In memoriam of Leith, Dr. T.S.
Memorial Grove & Rock Plaque Memorial West entrance to the Vet Med Research Institute
First Veterinary Medicine College Historical Sign South of Vet Med Plaza
In memoriam of Christensen, Dr. George C.
Rock Plaque Memorial South of Vet Med Plaza
In memoriam of Veenker, George F.
Rock Plaque Memorial North of Veenker Clubhouse
In memoriam of Burrell, Harry G.
Rock Plaque Memorial South of Veenker Clubhouse
In memoriam of Cross Country Plane Crash Victims (Veenker Golf Course)
Rock Plaque Memorial West side of the 9th Hole (Veenker Golf Course)
In memoriam of Swoyer, Dr. Tom
Rock Plaque Memorial 18th Tee Box (Veenker Golf Course)
Donated by President Gregory Geoffroy
Bench and Flagstone 150th Birthday Celebration Bench South East Planting Bed, adjacent to Campanile
In memoriam of Lacina, Jonathan
Memorial Tree Memorial North of College of Design
Class of 2006
Tree Class Gift East of Campanile
Donated by Jen Scharff
In memoriam of Cy Scharff
Memorial Tree Memorial West of Campanile
In memoriam of Good, Travis
Memorial Tree, Table, & Patio Space Memorial North of Town Engineering Building
Donated by Danny's co-workers and friends both within FPM and campus-wide
In memoriam of Whipple, Danny
Memorial Tree Memorial North side of General Services Building
In memoriam of Gmelch, Paula Cowgill
Garden Memorial Lagomarcino Courtyard
Class of 2009
Tree Planting Arbor Day 2009 Tree Planting Southwest of Catt Hall
World's Hardiest Roses Historical Sign SW of Horticulture Hall
Tree Planting Arbor Day 2010 Tree Planting East of Lebaron
Tree Planting Arbor Day 2011 Tree Planting Northwest of Lot 68
In memoriam of Danielson, Tyler
Tree Memorial North of Hilton
Donated by John Corbett
In memoriam of Scott Corbett
Memorial Tree Memorial Northwest of Hach Hall
Donated by Pi chapter of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority
Bench Alpha Delta Pi Bench Southwest of Catt Hall
Donated by Zeta of Iowa Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa
In memoriam of Elizabeth Hoyt and Lois Tiffany
Plaque Memorial Directly southeast of Catt hall
Tree Planting Arbor Day 2012 Tree Planting Lagomarcino Hall courtyard
Donated by Zeta of Iowa chapter of Phi Beta Kappa
In memoriam of Catt, Carrie Chapman
Plaque Memorial directly Southwest of Catt hall
Donated by International Harvester Company
Plaque/Plaza Harvester Plaza Plaque South of Scheman
In memoriam of Fender, Melissa Ann
Memorial Tree Memorial East of Beyer Hall
Donated by Project 52, Inc
In memoriam of Horn, Elijah (Eli)
Tree Memorial Northwest of Jack Trice Stadium
Donated by Co-workers and friends
In memoriam of Boster, Dave
Memorial Tree Memorial North of General Services Building
In memoriam of Carver, George Washington
Plaza Memorial North of Carver Hall and South of Beardshear Hall
Survey Marker National Geodetic Survey Marker South of LeBaron Hall
Donated by Co-workers and friends
In memoriam of Shepley, Noel
Memorial Tree Memorial N.W. Corner of General Services Building
In memoriam of Gaynor, Valacia
Memorial Tree Memorial West of Marching Band Practice Field
In memoriam of Gonzales, Bryce
Memorial Planting Memorial West of Science II
Donated by Paul's wife, Sarah
In memoriam of Paul Troupe
Bench Memorial West of the Campanile
Donated by Don and Melissa Peeler
Commemorative Tree Wedding Celebration Planting Central Campus north of Campanile
In memoriam of Mathias, Andy
Memorial Planting Memorial West of old Landscape Architecture Building (Former location: East of Bessey Hall)
Donated by Greg Rhinehart family
In memoriam of Jacobs, Emmalee
Memorial Bench Memorial Lake LaVerne
Donated by Agronomy graduate and undergraduate clubs
Tree Memorial Agronomy Hall Courtyard
Donated by Natural Resources Education project (USDA)
Commemorative Tree West of Curtiss Hall
Donated by Ag Engineering classmates and Vermeer co-workers
In memoriam of Crall, Jarred 'Tree'
Memorial Tree Memorial Northeast of Biorenewables Research Laboratory
Tree Memorial Lagomarcino Hall Courtyard
Donated by Greg Rhinehart family
In memoriam of Jacobs, Emmalee
Tree Memorial Lake Laverne
Donated by Her sisters: Shirley Fasbender, Linda Kueper and Gayle Toms
In memoriam of Judy Spear
Memorial Tree Memorial Enrollment Services Center
2019 Arbor Day Tree Central Campus
Donated by Richard and Sharon Rodine
In memoriam of Virgil A. and Cheryl J. Miller
Plaque Memorial South of Catt Hall
Donated by Nielsen House 2017-18 and Department of Residence
In memoriam of Numedahl, Brendan
Merrill Magnolia Tree Memorial NE corner of Wallace Hall
Donated by Iowa State horticulture professor William Graves
Commemorative Tree Memorial North of Beardshear Hall
In memoriam of Hornaday, Dr. W.T.
Rock Plaque Memorial Moved to ISU Parks Library Archive, pending review. Former location: south of LeBaron Hall.
Donated by Friends and peers along with the generous help of President Wendy Wintersteen
In memoriam of Ryan Cunningham
Tree Memorial North Side of Martin Hall Courtyard
Donated by Brian & Dana Kramer, Mike & Tracie Hanna, Chuck & Julee Reese and the generous donations of many friends.
In memoriam of David (Dave) Hanna
Tree Memorial Southeast corner of Hilton Collesium
Donated by Donated by friends and family of Drew
In memoriam of Drew DiDonato
Tree Memorial South side of Sweeny Hall
Donated by Chet's colleagues from the ISU Sociology Department
In memoriam of Chester L.
Tree Memorial West of East Hall
Donated by Dave and Dee Vandeventer and Alan and Leslie Vandeventer and their families
Commemorative Tree north side of Mackay Hall near the Dean’s Office entrance
In memoriam of Thompson, Donald O.
Bench Memorial East of the Applied Science Complex II main entrance
Donated by Family and Friends of Bruce Barron
In memoriam of In Memory of Bruce (1941-2024) and Brian Barron (1937-2020)
Bench Memorial Northwest side of Campanile
Donated by Meat Judging Family
In memoriam of Dr. Sherryln "Aunt Sherry" Olsen
Tree Memorial Southeast corner of Lush Auditorium
Donated by Family and Friends of Bruce Barron
In memoriam of In Memory of Bruce (1941-2024) and Brian Barron (1937-2020)
Tree Memorial Northeast of Campanile
Donated by Anthony James McDonald
In memoriam of Luke Richard Jones
Tree Memorial South/East of Gerdin at the corner of Wallace Road and Union Drive
Donated by John's tailgate family
In memoriam of Kock, John H.
Memorial Tree Memorial North of Alumni Center, west of Lot A3
Donated by The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
In memoriam of Hrubes, Ryan
Memorial Tree Memorial East of Curtiss Hall
Donated by ISU Arboriculture Club
Tree Memorial South side of MacKay Hall


* References for class gifts are from Alumni Association Class Gifts and Special Collections at Parks Library